Why we launched Hearthy?

Hearthy Co.
2 min readOct 11, 2017


One of the most important success criteria for any project and specially for a startup is the Team.

The team behind Hearthy is composed by different backgrounds. For example, Javier Blanco Tomas is the CEO of a digital agency that has many years of experience in UX and UI in the marketing space.

“After more than a decade creating digital products for different clients we realized how complicated was to launch successful healthcare startups.” — Javier

The healthcare ecosystem is complex. There’s many stakeholders with different incentives and constraints. But, among all the stakeholders, the ones who have the strongest incentives to be healthy are the patients. And yet, the system is so complex that sometimes (too many) the patient is lost inside the healthcare machine. So, at Hearthy, we thought that we should give back some of the power to the rightful owner, patients. To do so, we wanted to give them the opportunity to have their data in a secure place, where they can share it when they need to, where they need to.

“I see many times patients coming to the ER without their prescription or their recent medical history. This lack of information on top of the intrinsic uncertainties of dealing with patient’s diseases makes our job as physicians significantly harder.” — Juan

With the technology available today, is much harder to accept the status quo. So we asked ourselves…. what if, we could start from scratch ?

But we faced many problems and the most important one is the huge amount of work (hence money) that we have to face just to get us started. Legacy systems, lack of incentives, payers, regulators …..

The amount of work and money required just to start something was so big, that only big companies could do so. The same big companies that either have A LOT of our data already (GAFA) or those who had already kidnapped the healthcare system (EHR editors, insurance companies….).

And then, here was this opportunity that the cryptocurrencies offered us to finally make a difference in the healthcare world. So we wanted to take a dive into this idea.

But where to start ? EHR ? Telemedicine ? Decision support systems ?

“What about all of them ? What if we could do something at the deepest layer of the ecosystem ? Something on top of which anyone could create a new solution that would be automatically secure, efficient and yet, easy ? ” — Javier

So, we created Hearthy.

About the authors
Javier Blanco Thomas is the CEO of glue.digital, a digital agency based in Vigo and Madrid, Spain. He has a lot of experience working with big brands in many places around the globe. LinkedIn

Juan Sebastian SUAREZ VALENCIA,MD. is a french physician, born in Bogota — Colombia. He is also an entrepreneur in telemedicine with a company in Paris, France and medical advisor at Hearthy. For more information : LinkedIn



Hearthy Co.

With Hearthy we want to create a decentralized, open and sustainable ecosystem to improve health care access to everyone.