How to Adopt a Baby in Indiana? Helpful Guidelines are Here!

3 min readAug 18, 2017

Thinking how to adopt a baby in Indiana? Well! You need to hire a family attorney who can make the process of adoption easy. Process of adopting a child can be simple in Indian, but at the same time, it can be a tedious or complicated task. So, it’s better to work with an experienced lawyer to make sure that your adoption is fully amenable with law and no legal problem will rise in future.

There are several ways to adopt a child in Indiana but for you it is also necessary to be familiar with some important guidelines. Let’s discuss some of them here:

Before completing the whole process of adoption in Indiana home study is also done, which allows a social worker or another agency representative to meet with the adoptive family to know more about their home’s environment. The parents who are going to adopt baby will have to confirm their income and whole family health state from their doctor. Other important documents that need to be submitted are marriage licenses, divorce declaration, birth and death certificates and prominently criminal record clearances.

Some people also prefer to adopt child from their relatives and this type of adoption is easier than other adoption procedures. In such type of adoption grandparents often adopt their grandchildren if the parents have passed away or can’t take care of their kids because of other causes such as incapacitation, incarceration, or addiction.

Most significantly you will need to be patient during the adoption process in Indian because it can be bit time consuming. In 2014, children waited for almost twelve months in foster care while adoption processes were going on. Therefore parents who are thinking to consider Indiana’s adoption agencies must plan to complete home study in nine to eighteen months.

If the birth parents permit for adoption, adopting a step child can be comparatively quick and simple. And if the birth parents do not sanction, the process can become quite complicated. So, to get rid of all these issues, it’s better to hire a legal attorney, who will make some great efforts so that birth parents could allow the adoption process.

There are many licensed agencies which are working greatly to make the process of adoption easy for birth and adoptive parents. These agencies often handle children who are wards of the state because they may be orphans, mistreated, or dumped. Moreover expectant mothers and other birth-parents who want to give their child for adoption often take the help of legal adoption agencies which makes the adoption process easier.

Another important point that you need to know is about independent adoption. It is a direct agreement between the birth-parents and adoptive parents, but for this you need to hire a professional lawyer. As each rule and regulation of the agreement can cleared to both parties only by a professional lawyer. As family law varies in every state and it can also be possible independent adoption is not allowed in some states. So, in an open adoption agreement, adoptive parents will have to remain in touch with birth parents after the adoption.

Possibly, you have understood the process of adoption in Indiana and will keep these guidelines in mind before making any decision. And for better information reliable adoption agencies in Indiana are always there to help you. So, make a visit to them and feel comfortable for adoption process.




If you are looking for adoption services in Indiana, Heartland Adoption Agency provides complete legal assistance. Founded by Donald Francis and Michelle Domer.