4 Surprising Benefits of using CBD to treat chronic pain

Mark Dae
3 min readSep 12, 2017
CBD Oil For Athletes

CBD has been proven to have a number of medicinal and therapeutic benefits ranging from treating depression to cancer. One of CBDs many therapeutic benefits is its ability to efficiently treat and relieve pain. The CBD compounds bind the receptors of the body and improve the healing properties of the endocannabinoid system.

Here are some of the surprising benefits of using CBD to treat pain you should know about.

Natural pain relief

Inflammation in the muscles lead to painful discomfort and if left untreated may even result in tissue damage. While there are a number of over-the-counter pain relievers that are efficient in treating pain, these are found to have damaging effects on your liver, kidney and stomach in the long term.

CBD has anti-inflammatory properties that provides natural pain relief by reducing inflammation, without the harsh side effects of OTC pain killers. Users have found significant relief from chronic pain like arthritis by locally applying CBD cream for back pain. Even with external application of the cream, the CBD compounds penetrate deep and aid in binding the receptors.

Relaxes muscles

CBD has some relaxing effects on muscles by reducing inflammation and thus aiding quick recovery from muscle spasms and sore muscles. Muscle power is the ultimate asset of professional fighters. CBD for MMA fighters is highly effective as it relaxes and heals the overworked muscles of MMA fighters. It also promotes muscle strength and development. CBDs benefits also extends to other systems like the immune and skeletal system.

Promotes sleep

Sleep is the body’s natural way of healing and repairing its cells and tissues required for healthy functioning of the body. But factors like chronic pain, stress, depression and insomnia may result in poor sleep, affecting the body’s ability to repair and recover. CBD acts as a relaxant and promotes peaceful sleep allowing your body to recover. It is an effective solution to treat insomnia and other sleep disorders. A good night’s sleep will allow you to quickly bounce back from injuries. To speeden the process of recuperation you can also use CBD oil for sports injury.

Relieve anxiety and depression

CBD’s healing properties work on not just the body but also extends to the mind. Chronic pain and the resultant lack of sleep affects the emotional well-being apart from the physical wellness. Anxiety is a common effect of chronic pain. CBD reduces the feelings of anxiety by calming the nervous system and binding the neuroreceptors. Prolonged stress and anxiety often lead to more mental health issues like depressions.

If you suffer from any form of chronic pain you can effectively address it by using CBD to treat it. Both external application and sublingual use of CBD can alleviate pain and help to improve your overall health. If you are skeptical of the stigma surrounding CBD and its association with marijuana, you can be assured that the use of HH’s CBD oil for athletes mean our products are completely free of THC.

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