Pro Tips for Effective Shiba Inu Training Sessions

9 min readMar 14, 2024


Training a Shiba Inu can be quite a challenge due to their dominant, stubborn, and mischievous personality. However, with patience, consistency, and a good sense of humor, you can successfully train your Shiba Inu to become a well-behaved and enjoyable companion.

In this article, I will share valuable tips and techniques for Shiba Inu training, covering various aspects such as behavior, commands, obedience, socialization, and specific training methods like agility, crate, leash, and house training.

Whether you’re a novice or experienced dog owner, these pro tips will help you navigate the unique training needs of your Shiba Inu and establish a strong bond based on trust and respect.

Let’s dive into the world of Shiba Inu training and unlock the secrets to a happy and obedient furry friend!

Shiba Inu training

The Importance of Patience and Consistency

When it comes to Shiba Inu training, there are two key factors that cannot be understated: patience and consistency. As a Shiba Inu owner, it’s vital to embrace these qualities in order to effectively train your furry companion.

Shiba Inus, known for their strong-willed nature, require extreme patience during training sessions. Unlike some other dog breeds, they may not pick up commands quickly or easily. It’s crucial to remember that training a Shiba Inu is a marathon, not a sprint. By keeping your cool and maintaining a calm demeanor, you’ll be better equipped to handle the challenges that may arise.

Consistency is another critical element in Shiba Inu training. These dogs thrive on routine and respond well to consistent rules and expectations. Make sure to establish clear boundaries and consistently reinforce them. This will help your Shiba Inu understand what is expected of them and promote a sense of security in their training process.

To reinforce desired behaviors, reward-based training is highly effective for Shiba Inus. By using positive reinforcement such as treats, praise, and play as rewards, you can motivate your Shiba Inu to learn and obey commands. It’s important to be generous with rewards and provide immediate feedback when they exhibit good behavior. By doing so, you’ll create a positive association between obedience and rewards.

While training a Shiba Inu may test your patience at times, it’s important to remember that they have a unique and spirited personality that can bring immense joy and laughter to your life. Embrace the challenges with a positive mindset, stay consistent, and appreciate the progress your Shiba Inu makes along the way.

Using Passive Resistance in Shiba Inu Training

Shiba Inus can be mischievous and prone to misbehavior, especially when they get bored or feel ignored. When it comes to addressing their misbehavior, passive resistance can be an effective training technique. Instead of resorting to physical punishment or active restraint, I engage in a mental competition with my Shiba Inu to establish control and promote desired behaviors.

Passive resistance involves controlling their most desired resources, such as attention and freedom. By setting clear boundaries and only providing attention or freedom as a reward for good behavior, I can shape their behavior without causing fear or aggression. It’s crucial to create a training environment that focuses on mental stimulation and problem-solving, rather than confrontational methods.

For instance, if my Shiba Inu displays demanding behavior like barking or pawing for attention, I practice ignoring the behavior until they exhibit calmness. Once they calm down, I reward them with attention and affection. This teaches them that calm behavior is more rewarding than demanding attention through misbehavior.

When it comes to freedom, I make sure to establish rules and boundaries that allow my Shiba Inu to have certain privileges only when they comply with commands or exhibit appropriate behavior. With this approach, they learn that freedom is earned through good behavior, reinforcing their understanding of boundaries.

Passive resistance requires patience and consistency, but it can be a powerful tool in shaping your Shiba Inu’s behavior. By focusing on their desire for attention and freedom, and using them as rewards for desired behaviors, you can establish a healthier and more cooperative relationship with your Shiba Inu.

Shiba Inu training

Establishing Rules for Shiba Inu Training

When it comes to training a Shiba Inu, establishing clear rules is essential. Without consistent boundaries, these naturally dominant dogs can quickly take over the household. By setting rules early on, you can prevent the formation of bad habits and create a harmonious living environment.

One important rule to establish is no biting on people. Shiba Inus have a tendency for nipping and biting, which can be a challenging behavior to correct. By firmly and consistently enforcing this rule, you can teach your Shiba Inu to inhibit their biting and interact gently with humans.

Additionally, addressing food aggression is crucial. Shiba Inus can show possessiveness over their food, leading to aggressive behavior. To prevent this, ensure your Shiba Inu understands that their food is provided by you and shouldn’t be guarded or aggressively protected.

Another rule to implement is no rough play with humans. Shiba Inus have a playful nature but can become too rough during playtime, potentially causing harm. Teach your Shiba Inu to engage in gentle play and redirect any overly rough behavior to appropriate toys or activities.

It’s also important to prioritize socialization. Properly socializing your Shiba Inu with other dogs and people from an early age can help them develop good behavior and prevent aggression or fear towards others.

The Role of Socialization in Shiba Inu Training

Socializing a Shiba Inu is crucial for their development. They have an extreme play style that may not be liked by all dogs, so it’s important to choose playmates carefully. Shiba Inus also dislike handling, so early socialization to touch and grooming is important. Additionally, they may not like being petted from above, so desensitization exercises can help them become more comfortable.

When socializing a Shiba Inu, it’s important to expose them to various environments, people, and animals. This helps them become more comfortable in different situations and reduces the likelihood of them becoming fearful or aggressive. Introduce them to new sights, sounds, and smells to broaden their experiences.

When selecting playmates for your Shiba Inu, consider their play style. Shiba Inus are known for their high energy and can have a rough play style, which might not be well-received by all dogs. Look for dogs that can match their energy level and play style to avoid any potential conflicts or negative experiences.

Shiba Inus can also be sensitive when it comes to handling. Start socializing them to touch and grooming from a young age. Gradually introduce them to being touched on different parts of their body and keep the experience positive with treats and praise. This will help them become more comfortable with handling and reduce any potential anxieties or aversions.

Additionally, Shiba Inus may not like being petted from above. To desensitize them to this, practice gentle petting from below and gradually work your way up. Reward them for staying calm and relaxed during these exercises. This will help them overcome any discomfort or fear associated with being petted from above.

Remember, socialization is an ongoing process throughout a Shiba Inu’s life. Continue exposing them to new experiences, people, and animals to ensure they remain well-adjusted and confident. With proper socialization, you can help your Shiba Inu become a happy and well-behaved companion.

Shiba Inu training

Controlling Your Energy in Shiba Inu Training

Shiba Inus are known for their high energy levels and their ability to easily pick up on their owner’s vibes. As an owner, it’s crucial to control and manage your own energy during training sessions. A calm and assertive energy can create a positive and stable environment for your Shiba Inu.

Fear and frustration can trigger unwanted behaviors in a Shiba Inu. When training, it’s important to remain patient and avoid letting negative emotions affect your interactions. By staying calm and composed, you can set the tone for a successful training session.

One helpful tip is to focus on positive reinforcement. Reward your Shiba Inu for good behavior and ignore or redirect their attention when they exhibit undesirable behaviors. This approach helps to maintain a harmonious energy in the training environment and encourages your Shiba Inu to continue behaving positively.

Remember, your own energy plays a significant role in your Shiba Inu’s behavior and responses. By controlling your energy and projecting a sense of calm and confidence, you can effectively guide your Shiba Inu’s training journey.

To better understand how energy affects your Shiba Inu’s behavior, it’s essential to observe their reactions to different energy levels. Pay attention to how they respond to a high-energy environment versus a calm and controlled one. This awareness can help you adjust your energy and create a more productive training atmosphere.

Now, let’s take a moment to visualize the importance of controlling your energy in Shiba Inu training:

The Challenge of Training a Shiba Inu

Training a Shiba Inu can be quite challenging, even for experienced trainers. These intelligent and independent dogs are known for their stubbornness, which can make training more difficult. However, with patience, consistency, and a positive approach, Shiba Inus can still be trained effectively.

It’s important to understand that Shiba Inus have their own unique characteristics that require specific training methods tailored to their needs. Their intelligence can work both in favor of and against their training progress. They are quick learners, but they can also be willful and selective in following commands.

To overcome these challenges, it’s essential to establish a clear hierarchy and consistent rules from the beginning. Shiba Inus respond well to positive reinforcement techniques, such as reward-based training. By using treats, praise, and play as motivators, you can encourage desired behaviors and foster their cooperation.

It’s also important to focus on building a strong bond with your Shiba Inu through trust and respect. Training sessions should be short, engaging, and varied to keep them mentally stimulated. Incorporating mental exercises and interactive games can help channel their intelligence and energy effectively.

Another key aspect of Shiba Inu training is socialization. Exposing them to various environments, people, and other animals from a young age will help them develop good social skills and reduce the likelihood of behavioral issues. Controlled interactions and positive experiences will contribute to their obedience and overall well-being.

In summary, training a Shiba Inu requires patience, consistency, and a thorough understanding of their unique characteristics. Despite the challenges posed by their intelligence and stubbornness, with the right approach and techniques, you can successfully train a Shiba Inu to be obedient and well-behaved.

The Importance of Consistency

Consistency is crucial when training a Shiba Inu. They thrive on routine and clear boundaries. It’s important to establish and enforce consistent rules, commands, and expectations. Deviating from the established routine can confuse them and hinder their progress. Additionally, all family members should be on the same page and follow the same training approach to avoid mixed signals.


Training a Shiba Inu requires patience, consistency, and a good sense of humor. While there may not be any miracle cures or quick fixes, there are several tips that can help make your training sessions more effective.

First, it’s important to use reward-based training methods. Shiba Inus respond well to positive reinforcement, so be sure to praise and reward them for good behavior. This will help reinforce the behaviors you want to see more of.

Second, establish clear and consistent rules. Shiba Inus are naturally dominant, and without consistent rules, they can quickly take over the household. Set boundaries and be consistent in enforcing them to prevent bad habits from forming.

Lastly, socialization and understanding your Shiba Inu’s unique characteristics are crucial. By providing plenty of opportunities for socialization, you can help your Shiba Inu become comfortable and confident in various settings. Additionally, understanding their energy levels and controlling your own energy during training sessions can contribute to a positive learning environment.

By incorporating these training tips into your Shiba Inu’s routine, you can establish a strong bond and create a well-behaved and enjoyable companion. Remember, training takes time and effort, but the results are well worth it.

