Keeping the books up to date

Heathar Williamson
2 min readJun 5, 2014


In this fast-paced business world we live in today, it can be easy to forget the small details that are often so integral to the smooth running of our company. It can be simple to forget on any given day, especially as we all have moments where we are not as focused as we perhaps would like to be. It would be wonderful to have our own personal secretary who reminded us of every time we forgot something, but for most of us this simply isn’t the case, unfortunately, much as we may wish it was sometimes!

This is the where the value of keeping notes and files organised in a disciplined and controlled way can really help. It can frequently seem frustrating and time-consuming to spend time rearranging papers when you usually know exactly where you are with all of your most important documentation is. However, most of us would agree that if there was a simpler and more efficient method to this then we would certainly consider it. This is where First Aid is so useful and helpful in providing a range of solutions that enable the straightforward maintenance of all Accident Report Book accident and medical forms and files.

With so many changes to the legal and Health & Safety legislation landscape year in and year out, it can be tough to keep up to date with making sure all of the Accident Report Book paperwork is also completed in an accurate manner. Luckily, First Aid also has this base covered. With a professional and easy to use website, you can find all of your Accident Report Book filing and organizational needs in one place.

One fantastic example of this is the Accident Records Folder, available for a low price right now on the First Aid website or by calling a customer advisor. The folder is right up to date with all of the latest HSE legislation, as well as meeting the Data Protection Act so no personal data will be in danger. There is also an easy to use index, with a numbering system that means you will be able to locate your file quickly and easily. Not only this, but the folder can hold up to 200 Accident Report Book accident documents simultaneously, so regardless of the number of incidents that happen in your workplace, the Accident Records Folder is the essential Accident Report Book solution for keeping those all-important records in one place.

