How to publish an Vue.js directive to npm

Heather Booker
2 min readAug 24, 2016


Wow, so I’m always amazed when something I want to know how to do doesn’t stare right back at me in the top 5 Google results. I’m sure you can guess why I am writing this article today (hint: check the title), but be assured that I have previously been unsuccessful in my mission to publish my Vue.js directive to npm. Please join me for a thrilling recount of my journey to enlightenment.

So the original version of my directive just had

Vue.directive('name-of-directive', {
// Definition

Stupidly simple. Perfectamundo. Works great when you just drag the file in, either by cloning/downloading or using a CDN.

But it isn’t enough to make this work as an npm package. (I know because I tried it.) For that, we will need to sleuth a little more — I did this by investigating a bunch of other people’s directives that were already available through npm. I think I must have sleuthed too hard the first time, because it turns out that making a Vue directive work as an npm package is also pretty stupidly simple.

It can be done by essentially the same principle as making anything else available both through npm and a non-node environment (such as a CDN or direct use of the file), which is as follows:

// Before you create your Vue.directive:
try {
var Vue = require('vue');
} catch (e) {
// It's all good, Vue should already be available globally.
// Then create your Vue.directive as a variable:
var myDirective = Vue.directive('', {});
// Finally, check if you should export it:
try {
module.exports = myDirective;
} catch (e) {
// No problem, it should be registered as is.

The try/catch clauses could also be if statements, where you check the environment before doing what needs to be done:

if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && this.module !== module && module.exports) {
var Vue = require('vue');
// Continue as above, replacing final 'try/catch' with above 'if'

But there is some discourse on the best way to do this — whether checking the first and last clauses is sufficient (Underscore does it this way) or the first and second clauses are a preferable pair. Let me know if you have thoughts on the try/catch vs if(module) dilemma.

Of course, everything should be wrapped in an anonymous, self-invoking function to prevent bloating of the global namespace if users are not using node.

(function() {
// Do all the things;

In any case, either of the above should be sufficient to make your directive available through both platforms. Now all you have to do is npm publish!

