Am I Ex New Age?

Heather Woods
9 min readNov 2, 2023

My issues with new age spirituality.

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As I just turned 39 last Friday, I have been reflecting upon and pondering the question: Am I now an ex new ager and what are my issues with new age spirituality?

As the eclipses in Aries and Libra are transiting my 3rd and 9th house, my spiritual beliefs seem to be getting a divine overhaul. Lately, and probably going on months now, I have an unsavory taste in my mouth when I think about being active in the new age space again. Why is that? I’ll explore that later in this episode, but first, let’s dive into what new age spirituality is.

New Age spirituality is a broad and diverse movement that emerged in the late 20th century and incorporates a range of beliefs and practices aimed at personal transformation and holistic well-being. It is characterized by an eclectic approach that draws from various religious, spiritual, and metaphysical traditions. It blends elements from Eastern and Western spiritual traditions, including Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, and indigenous spiritual practices.

New Age spirituality often emphasizes the development of personal spiritual potential, self-improvement, and self-realization. It typically views the universe as interconnected and holistic, emphasizing the…



Heather Woods

Bridging the gap between mental health & spirituality, ROCD recovery, host of Sacred Self, Radical Healing Podcast.