Debunking twin flames: the intensity you feel might just be limerence.

Heather Woods
4 min readMay 1, 2023

The intensity of feeling that comes with meeting a twin flame, if only in fantasy, reels people in; it’s all-consuming and it can be highly addicting.

I know because I’ve been there. I thought I had met my twin flame 3 different times with 3 different people over the course of 10 years; I desperately wanted to believe in the dynamic. I was a hopeless romantic and a raging anxious insecure attachment style with a severe case of limerence. When I was in it though, it felt intensely real, and I could not disassociate myself from the emotions I was feeling.

So, while I may come off as harsh and tough-lovey in this article, well, in EVERY article about twin flames that I write, let’s be real, it truly is from a place of experience and love. I think many people are being deceived by the premise and promise of a twin flame relationship that may not have any solid substantiation in reality. I think many “twin flame experiences” are meant to be a catalyzing encounter to exponentially grow us, and inevitably and eventually a scenario we are meant to move on from.

I think people can get stuck in and caught up in the fantasy that keeps them from moving forward, especially while engaging…



Heather Woods

Bridging the gap between mental health & spirituality, ROCD recovery, host of Sacred Self, Radical Healing Podcast.