Debunking Twin Flames: Twin flame is synonymous with the myth of THE ONE

Heather Woods
5 min readApr 25, 2023

The absurdity of the one/TF + other unhelpful beliefs about love.

Love art (AI) by author, Heather Woods

Twin flames are the spiritual equivalent of the 3D romantic idealization of the one. In my mind, they are synonymous because both place extraordinary pressure on getting it right with just one person. This person is meant to fulfill our every desire and make us happy for the rest of our lives. It can only be this person, and if we don’t get it right, then we don’t get any more chances to love anyone else — ever again. Can you hear the ridiculousness of this belief echoing into the vastness of space?

While I was experiencing relationship OCD last year, I came face to face with the culturally perpetuated belief that there’s ONLY one right and true person for us, or if not one, then we get only 3 loves and then we are done. For real, I saw a book titled “You only fall in love three times.” I about fell off my chair — talk about a highly triggering title for someone who has high sensitivity around relationships. If that title were true, I guess I wouldn’t have met my current partner, so I’m already calling BS on the worst advice you could ever tell another human being who has loved and lost more than three times.

Rewind to a year ago, I honestly didn’t consciously realize I had taken on the belief of the one…



Heather Woods

Bridging the gap between mental health & spirituality, ROCD recovery, host of Sacred Self, Radical Healing Podcast.