Divine Love: A Prayer/Affirmation to Establish Harmony

Heather Woods
Mar 18, 2023


For challenging times when you need upliftment and support.

Praying to the Divine — AI Art by Heather Woods

The book I reached for days ago is “The Prospering Power of Love” by Catherine Ponder, which is a book that I revisit when I need an infusion of divine love. I want to share a powerful affirmation from her book that feels more like a prayer and has produced immediate shifts within me. I felt guided to share.

Divine love is doing its perfect work here and now. Divine love harmonizes, divine love adjusts, divine love prospers. Divine love foresees everything and richly provides every good thing for [Insert your word(s) here] now. Divine love is now victorious!

Another affirmation from her book that feels powerful, especially during challenges:

I have nothing to fear. My guardian angel goes before me, making right my way.



Heather Woods

Bridging the gap between mental health & spirituality, ROCD recovery, host of Sacred Self, Radical Healing Podcast. https://heathercwoods.com