There’s A Writing Contest With A $7,500 Cash Prize?

Heather F.
3 min readJul 2, 2024

Calling all writers!

Extra! Extra! Read all about it!

Tonight while I was scrolling through a social media platform, I saw a targeted ad that caught my attention.

The post was from a page called “Writing Battle” and said “Write One. Read ten. Win thousands. Join the upcoming Writing Battle where the winning stories are chosen by you and your peers. Thousands of other like-minded writers compete in a friendly and supportive competition. Only $20 (tax included) to enter. You ready to Battle?

Photo by RetroSupply on Unsplash

Is this for real? Overtaken by curiosity, I clicked on the page to read more. It appears to be similar to writing on Medium and getting comments, a short story competition where all writers get a large amount of feedback on their writing.

On their website,, they outline the rules in “3 easy steps”.

  1. “Receive writing prompts”
  2. “Write one story”. This story will be based on the prompt given and there is a time limit for writing. Stories compete against others in that same genre. It appears that there are four genres.
  3. “Read ten stories”. Thankfully, they give you a few weeks to do this after you write your story and the stories you read must be in other genres. Then you elect who…



Heather F.

Experienced in E-commerce as a Solopreneur, Solo Female Traveler. Former Gift Boutique Owner. Interested in Words, Human Relationships, Health and Jesus