Trust me on the Sunscreen

Heather Mundle
3 min readAug 23, 2016


Hey friends, I wanted to share what’s been going on with me and share a light on something we never think will harm us.

Here goes, i’m sharing my story not to ask for sympathy… really, please don’t , many of you have gone through some hard things with family and friends just the same and you know I cower over attention and sometimes have no idea how to talk about things — if you want to do anything PLEASE donate (see below).

As a fair skinned teenager and 20 something, I seeked the solace of tanning beds and hours in the sun roasting to a crisp for that healthy, “glow.” I suffered a burn more here than there on every trip South, watched a few more freckles and spots pop up but never thought any of it to be a problem. The sight of a simple mole on my shoulder seemed harmless, a dark spot that might be removed but, no big deal. I never, ever, thought at 27 I would hear the words… cancer!?!

Here I sat, just a few weeks ago, with a positive test result of a malignant melanoma growing on my shoulder. Let me tell you, heading to Google after a diagnosis is not a good plan, talk to your Doctors, get the real facts. I myself am LUCKY AS HELL it was able to be removed, with one more surgery to go and possibly a few more tests everything will most likely be clear with a very small margin of problems and only a scar to show for it. Catching it early is important and vital in having a 100% recovery rate. If not dealt with early, it has the power to spread and take over lymph nodes, organs and eventually become fatal. It’s been a test of nerves and this fear of the known has sure set my anxiety on fire and made for a brooding few weeks.

Who knew that the sun, something we all run towards and wait for 3/4 of the year for here in Canada is something that has the power to make us weak and incredibly sick. Take care of yourself friends, baking in the hot sun and tanning beds are not safe… and trust me on the sunscreen.

See you on the beach, i’ll be the girl wearing a super fly sunshirt, slathering zinc on my nose and wearing a big old floppy hat (or catching the next flight to Alaska TBD).

P.S.… there is a dedicated group of administrators, nurses, doctors, researchers and scientists working hard not only to come up with a cure but to give treatment, care and compassion for families dealing with this nasty disease. Every little bit counts, like the amazing over $250,000 that came in towards the Gord Downie Fund for Brain Cancer Research over the past few weeks. Give back here:

P.P.S. It’s one of those goofy things, where a band seems to be there for you, just at the right time. The emotions and feelings felt by The Tragically Hip and their fans from coast to coast have been incredibly cathartic. “Armed with will and determination, and grace, too.”

