The top 3 ways to make your New Year’s dreams a reality (and no you don’t have to journal anything — yet)

Heather Kristian Strang
4 min readJan 2, 2020

Use these three tips to rock your 2020 and secure the perfect support for you.

I scribbled furiously in my journal, my head down with focus, my writing barely legible.
It was New Year’s Day 2003 and I was making my dreams come true, god damnit.

Sad side note: they didn’t come to fruition that year.

Then there was the year, after a horrible New Year’s Eve date (not even a good kiss, if you can believe that nonsense) that I dropped to my knees in my tiny studio apartment in NW Portland and asked The Universe to just send me the love of my life already.

Sad side note: he didn’t show up that year either.

Finally in 2007, I got sick, like tumor-on-my-ovary sick and woke up.

Manifesting the life of my dreams wasn’t going to happen alone, by myself, wishing or desperately crying out my desires to some random Universe.

I was going to have to come up with something far better than that and fast.

There’s nothing like a healing crisis to whip a girl into shape.

That was the year I learned about coaching and healers and psychics and prayer healings and…



Heather Kristian Strang

Kristian Strang is an expert on, & Misa Hopkins is the host of, Women Emerging: Reclaiming Our Souls from Sexual Abuse: