Heather Wales
1 min readJan 24, 2017


Dude — Your question is, “WHY do we need a Constitutional Amendment reaffirming that discrimination based on sex is illegal when we’ve had a law on the books making so since 1964??”

WELP, Manfred, the simple answer to that is, BECAUSE IT’S ALMOST 53 YEARS LATER AND IT IS STILL HAPPENING ON A FLIPPING REGULAR BASIS. Even if you deny the Equal Pay aspect, there are many, many other ways in which women are regularly discriminated against in daily life and in the workplace.

I think that it’s important for people outside the core group experiencing ANY kind of discrimination in society to please step back and examine ourselves without emotion. Now be prepared to absorb, with honesty, what we see and learn. OUR UNDERSTANDING IS LIMITED by the boundaries of your life experiences, political, social or religious beliefs, education, or other things. But that’s not a character flaw if peeps work continually toward a greater understanding, man. Denying there’s a problem when huge chunks of the population both think there IS, and experience the problem in daily life is not helping and it never, ever has.

