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Social Engineering Leveraging the “Opioid Crisis”

How a government contractor engineered America into “Terror of Addiction”

Heather S. Wargo
7 min readApr 15, 2019


As an advocate, one thing I have encountered over and over in talking with lawmakers and their staff is rampant terror of addiction.

People are virtually terrified of becoming addicted to opioids and are convinced they will become an opioid addict if they take an opioid for more than one or two days in a row, even if they have taken opioids years ago without an issue, or have no history of addiction behaviors.

They are suffering horrible, painful procedures and assuring others “I didn’t get any opioids!” so people will not screech the words “addict” or “pill popper” at them.

We can lay the blame for America’s new phobia at the feet of the company named Abt. Associates, a 50 year old business that hides in plain sight, dictating policy on all American lives in a variety of social avenues.

They are government contractors, paid with your tax dollars to influence you, much like a YouTuber or Instagram Influencer… except, once again, you didn’t choose.

No one asked them.

Well… society didn’t ask them.

In 2008, Abt. Associates came on the schedule drug and health care scene with their study about stimulants, adults and kids. However, they had already been deep in Big Government’s pocket, helping drive policy change for Medicare and Medicaid.

Their mission statement reads, “Our mission is to improve the quality of life and economic well-being of people worldwide… Our work with vulnerable populations makes a real impact; we are accountable for that work and how we do it.

Accountable? We will come back to this.

As the government decided to execute a population study/clinical trial of the entire United States population, they had to find a way to get society to cooperate unwittingly. No consent? No problem. We will use our friends at Abt Associates to socially engineer American society into it.

And they did.

We have so many different stakeholders and different players involved in this con job that is being perpetrated on the…



Heather S. Wargo

Italian American Writer in PA wilds. Gen X survivor attempting to climb shrinking narrow. Despite all my rage, still just a rat in a cage.