HEAT Info Session #7 (2019)

HEAT Wallet & DEX
6 min readSep 5, 2019


HEAT Ledger’s 7th information session was held last Monday 2nd of September. Thanks to everyone who showed interest and dropped us a question. Below is a summary of the session in case you want to go back to them or hadn’t had the chance yet to check them out.

Question1: What is the planned mobile wallet release and what coins will be supported?

Answer 1: We expect to launch Alpha version with Ethereum, several Bitcoin based coins and Heat support within two months. As for the other question related to privacy functionality, we are actively talking with Mimblewimble based coin projects to bring those to the mobile wallet. Mimblewimble involves sending coins off chain.

Question 2: When will auto BTC withdrawals be activated on the DEX?

Answer 2: Exact time uncertain. If technical debriefing of the weekends chain hassle yields positive outcome for the current level of automation, we may increase its engagement right after.

Question 3: Fiat Gateway Partnership progress?

Answer 3: Good on the side of the Finnish crypto fiat e-wallet company. When Alexey returns from yearly vacation in a few days we’ll conclude the current testing of Release Candidate.

Question 4: Any more staffing plans?

Answer 4: Yes, dedicated backend admin / scripter / DEVOPS is being scouted at this very moment.

Question 5: What are the immediate plans for the DEX?

Answer 5: Regulation has definitely changed immediate plans quite a while ago already.

Question 6: idea of the DEX with certified tokens based on the coins in the Heat wallet on their native chains?

Answer 6: This will likely live well after regulatory setups are completed. Liquidity pulled from other exchanges is more focused on the new mobile wallet. Some of it might eventually spill over to Desktop HEAT.

Question 7: Can we cover the marketing plan? Will there be a Heat media pack for the community to use?

Answer 7: The marketing plan for the new wallet is focused on the different stages before official launch to validate the business case and resolve functionality and usability issues for alpha and beta launches, geared towards a smooth official launch. Some aspects we are focusing on are:

1. Attracting the communities that will be supported through the special features of the wallet specially designed for the expandability of the use cases, and an in-app incentive program to create engagement and buzz among contacts.

2. Presenting to HEAT’s community for feedback and improvements, also supported through an incentive system for engagement, retention and word-of-mouth.

3. Abilitating in-app instant support mechanisms to resolve issues before user decides to quit experience.

4. Creation and distribution of a communication package for online opinion leaders and the HEAT community, synchronised with buzz campaigns to enlarge the reach of the communication and attract new users.

Question 8: Or in the “Send HEAT” function will we be able to flip a switch and go dark on sending using some of the anonymous tech being offered by privacy coins?

Answer 8: This feature is to be considered later on. HEAT’s technology which essentially is based on balances storage only, and not tx history, allows for a relatively low barrier of native tech entry compared to UTXO-based coins, which most are. This means we just might develop a proprietary standard for anonymous transfers.

Question 9: I’d like to learn more about the dev status, and when we can expect more about the new wallet. Also what the plans are now to involve more developers as well as ideas to start engaging the community.

Answer 9: About dev status, we are working iOS and Android apps which have not undergone any branding but will look more than fine for an Alpha version.

After careful consideration we switched from react-native to Google Flutter mobile framework, this required a rewrite of the app from Javascript to Dart but this turned out really well. Giving us as close to native app performance as possible.

After reading about and working extensively with Flutter I believe React-native could be replaced as the most popular mobile tool within the year by Flutter as we see so many big mobile brands do so already. We got lucky noticing this at the exact right moment.

Our server stack is a 100% serverless and autoscaling cloud solution of which the first part was delivered by our outside contractors/partners. Right now I’m expanding on that and finalizing the multi blockchain API.

Question 10: What is the plan to get listed on an exchange?

Answer 10: That plan has not changed. For now, we are not directly actively seeking an exchange to join. One possible scenario is that if the new HEAT wallet meets the expectations we have with number of users and growth, increasing the value of the HEAT token, then exchanges might be interested to list us for free. If that’s the case, we will study each case before taking a decision.

Question 11: Any chance of proposed art work or images of the new mobile wallet and anything done on the web wallet?

Answer 11: The alpha version of the wallet will not be branded, as this work is not required at that stage. Although it is an important aspect of the new app, there are other aspects related to usability that need to be proven first, before starting to add the “personality” of the brand to the app. For Beta we are planning to start showing some of the new branding, which will be fully there for the official launch.

Question 12: Other high level goals of blockchain and any others that HEAT is specifically targeting?

Answer 12:

  1. Enabling discrete tokenization for the many types of non-tangible assets that are for now exchanged in less discrete form.
  2. Enabling transaction-based smart automation.
  3. Contributing to crypto adoption in a major way by lowering barriers of entry with easy-to-use expandable multi-coin mobile wallet.

Question 13: Also what the plans are now to involve more developers as well as ideas to start engaging the community?

Answer 13: Involving developers from communities is important to be able to incorporate as many projects possible and so they would promote our wallet among community members. Specially important to engage with those whose coin functions are mostly not supported by most wallets today. To make it easy, we have created an SDK that allows them to create the integration code in a fifth of time it would normally take. At Web3 Summit we learned that we need to create some cases ourselves that can be showcased on the Alpha, to get greater engagement from other community devs. So this means that for Alpha we’ll do it ourselves, and we will use that as a showcase to get others bringing us code for Beta, and so on after official launch. At the Summit we also identified that communities are ready to help once they see a working product and a solid projects. Those are strong factors for them to then believe and want to participate AND promote to their users. In case that was not enough, we are working on an incentive plan that could bring back to the community, as we get more users from those communities.

Question 14: Benchmarking suite?

Answer 14: Alexey has been briefed to dig that up and finalize when imminent adjustments on the crypto fiat partner have been completed.

This is all, folks! For a complete read of all the questions and answers, go check out the full history on Discord’s #infosessions channel — https://discord.gg/SwCYk5v.

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HEAT Whitepaper

Microservices Kit (currently being updated so stay tuned!)

Blockchain Integration Kit (minor updates needed but its functional)

About HEAT Ledger

Heat Ledger Ltd. (HEAT), founded in 2016, is a Finland based blockchain development company and creators of the HEAT blockchain protocol. The HEAT Blockchain protocol operates live since January 2017, it is capable of doing 1,000+ (real) tx/sec in a decentralized network and has virtually unlimited storage capacity through its custom storage engine. HEAT’s blockchain lowers the entry barrier and becomes the perfect solution for anyone to run their own micro-services and benefit from all the efficiency gains of a blockchain infrastructure.



HEAT Wallet & DEX

Client-side authenticated cryptocurrency wallet with integrated DEX. Learn more at https://rebrand.ly/p7b90j. #blockchain #heatwallet #heatledger