How to request SSL Certificate on AWS (Amazon Certificate Manager)

Heba Abdelrehem
2 min readSep 23, 2018


SSL stands for Secure Socket Layers and is a public key infrastructure that uses the RSA method of encryption and authentication via security certificates.

It helps to establish a secure connection between the client and the server through the secure protocol HTTPS, It is a perfect choice for protecting sensitive information, such as customer contact details and credit card details.

In this article I will explain how to request this certificate and deploy it on your domain.

how to request this certificate and deploy it on your domain

Background :

  1. You should have AWS account.
  2. You should have some knowledge about AWS services

Steps :

1 . Open the Amazon certification manager (ACM) console from AWS services dashboard.

Amazon certification manager (ACM) console

2. Click on get start to request certificate.

Request certificate

3. In request certificate page, type your domain name that you need to request SSL certificate to it

Type your domain name

4. You need to select validation method in this case preferably select “DNS Validation”

Choose DNS validation

5. Then click on review

confirm and request

6. In review page choose confirm and request

7. After few minute this message will be appear “Your certificate was issued successfully.”

success message

In the next articles I’ll write down how deploy this SSL on EC2 using AWS ELB (Elastic load balancer).

Thank you for reading, I hope that it will be useful for you if you applied it , also if you have any comment or feedback don’t hesitate to contact me through my LinkedIn or comment on this article.



Heba Abdelrehem

A hard worker , dedicated and self motivated developer, that seeks new challenges.