A Proud Brandt Mom

3 min readFeb 26, 2018


This is the first in a five-part series highlighting stories of parents’ experiences in the Hoboken Public Schools Kindergarten program at the four elementary schools in the district.

Kabir began his journey as a student at the Brandt Primary School the day he turned 3. It was recommended for him to do this as part of early intervention. At that point in his development, Kabir had a speech delay. The school administrators placed Kabir in a general education class, confident that the experience would boost his verbal skills. I was nervous, but wanted to try and see how everything goes for him. Much to my delight, it was a seamless transition for Kabir.

Kabir’s first teacher was Ms. Mangione. She did an incredible job of creating an accepting and inclusive class environment. She was very mindful in pairing Kabir with other students who encouraged him to talk. He later had Ms. Enrico, who is an amazing teacher in her own right. Ms. Enrico worked diligently to get Kabir up to speed. Kabir had thoughtful therapists who worked in partnership with Ms. Enrico to push into the class environment and provided him with the essential practice time for the skills that he needed.

When it came time for Kabir to start Kindergarten, he was afraid that school would be intense and an uncomfortable transition. Nothing could be further from the truth. Kabir is flourishing and happy.

Kabir’s favorite class is science, also known as Project Lead the Way. He thoroughly enjoys doing experiments and recording his observations. He comes home full of facts, which is very entertaining. Kabir has recently made the connection that baking is a science. It is so wonderful to see him connecting the dots between school and home!

Kabir is enjoying the independence afforded to Kindergarten students. He has taken to writing stories on his own. He often can’t wait for recess on the rooftop playground. He feels very grown up and full of pride. He is finding his own voice in a safe and nurturing environment.

Something that I really treasure about the education that Kabir is receiving is the Responsive Classroom routines currently being implemented districtwide. The Responsive Classroom model emphasizes social skills and building a positive sense of community. A recent addition to the school day based on Responsive Classroom is a daily Morning Meeting for the students, which includes a Greeting, Sharing, Group Activity, and the Morning Message. It has been wonderful to see this initiative implemented in the classes as they provide all the students essential practice with social interactions and developing their communication skills.

I encourage incoming Brandt families thinking about Kindergarten for next year to find out ways to volunteer in your child’s class and to get involved with the Brandt Parent Consortium (BPC), our school’s parent organization for families in Pre-K to Grade 2. It’s wonderful to model this active engagement for our kids who are learning and watching based on our example.

Brandt has been an incredible partner in Kabir’s development and we are very grateful to be part of this special school community.

~Manasi Khedlekar, A Proud Brandt Mom




Hoboken Early Childhood Advisory Council (HECAC) engages with the Hoboken community to assess needs and priorities for Early Education (PreK3 to 3rd grade)