A Proud Wallace ABA Mom

2 min readMar 2, 2018


This is the final testimonial in a five-part series highlighting stories of parents’ experiences in the Hoboken Public Schools Kindergarten program at the four elementary schools in the district. Erica Boynton describes the Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) Program at the Wallace Elementary School.

Since my son, Max, was diagnosed with autism in the fall of 2014, my family has moved across the country for work, twice. This had, admittedly, uprooted his schooling and therapies, creating some friction in an already trying scenario.

However, since starting the ABA program at Wallace Elementary in the fall of 2016, we have seen a world of improvement. Most of that has happened in the last six months, when he moved in to Miss Laurie’s Kindergarten classroom. Though nonverbal, Max has always displayed a strong sense of self and comprehension, and is highly engaged. In the last year, his skills have developed exponentially. He is learning to write, building math skills and working on being more patient (one of his biggest challenges). Via additional therapies, we now know that he is reading and even spelling at an age appropriate level (and beyond), with a strong interest in science. He is a thoughtful, helpful young man and continues to surprise us with his focus and determination.

But the biggest win we have experienced is watching how truly happy he is to go to school every morning, where he is being challenged academically and socially. Wallace employs a team of dedicated teachers and aides who see the untapped potential in these amazing kids and treat them with the respect they deserve.

~Erica Boynton, A Proud Wallace ABA Mom




Hoboken Early Childhood Advisory Council (HECAC) engages with the Hoboken community to assess needs and priorities for Early Education (PreK3 to 3rd grade)