Holly Erin Copeland
Holly Erin Copeland

Holly’s passion lies in helping people discover what it means to step into the flow with life and live in joy and wellbeing while healing their physical bodies.

She offers vibrational sound healing sessions using Biofield Tuning and coaching to facilitate physical and emotional healing for greater vitality and wellbeing.

Her background weaves training in the healing modalities of reiki and biofield tuning with human potential coaching and meditation. With a deep connection to nature from her 20+ career as a conservation scientist, she has a passion for neuroscience, consciousness, and science-based methods to rewire the brain for calm and clarity.

During sessions you’ll feel supported and held by her loving presence in a sacred space that allows you to fully relax and release while the tuning forks work their vibrational magic to facilitate emotional and physical healing. After sessions, her clients commonly report feeling lighter, clearer, happier and more energized.

In her coaching sessions, Holly specializes in helping people find true health and inner wellbeing through shifting out of “ordinary mind” and into boundless ground of joy and abundance that awaits when we awaken to our true nature in awake awareness.

Holly’s certifications: Human Potential Coach (ACC), Biofield Tuning Practitioner, Subtle Energy Meditation teacher, NeuroMeditation Teacher, Usui Holy Fire Reiki Master

Medium member since July 2019
Connect with Holly Erin Copeland
Holly Erin Copeland

Holly Erin Copeland

Coach, Sound Healer, and Meditation Teacher. Uses the power of breath, frequency and intention to heal body, mind and soul. http://heartmindalchemy.com.