Product placement

Camilo Mendez
2 min readJul 24, 2020


Product placement or embedded marketing, is a marketing technique where references to specific brands or products are incorporated into another work, such as a films or TV programs, with the specific intention of promoting.

Ross Gueller from FRIENDS.

Several people believe this is a good deal because companies have the chance to promote their products, they are paying the creators of the movie or the TV show, and they are not doing anything illegal. However, the ones who agree with this type of advertisement claim that they like the products to be portrayed in a subtle way.

Tom Cruise during the TopGun movie

A good example of the product placement happened in 1986 when in the movie Top Gun, Tom Cruise appeared countless times wearing RayBan glasses. After the movie was released, more than 360,000 pairs of glasses were sold, 40% increase in sales.

Joe Manganiello on Magic Mike XXL

On the other hand, a big number of people believe the product placement is bad because it manupulates humans against their will. Even though the product is percieved unconcious, it is still grasped by our mind. Some others think that this kind of ads are subliminal and, furthermore, they dislike the fact that in many cases products are portrayed in catchy, not subtle way.

Lady Gaga on the music video ‘Telephone’.

Nowadays, product placement takes place in music videos, videogames, magazines, and even instagram posts. It seems like we cannot scape from them, but it is with the judgement of each individual that we can wethear accept it in our lives or, like other people, fight against it. It is up to you. What is your side in this story and why?

