Retail Therapy

Heather Cook
2 min readApr 11, 2017


Hats, just because. Me and Mom. Palm Springs, April 2017

DAY 10, 31-day #lovelife challenge.

“Whatever you love, you are.” ~Rumi

We’ve left my Dad on a bench to hold our parcels.

He smartly brought his iPad to read.

My Mother and I have been unleashed to shop.

I am a quick decision shopper usually.

I can go through three shops in the time it takes my Mom

To go through one.

Not because she doesn’t know what to buy or is indecisive,

But because she will end up knowing or already does know

Everyone person in the store including the shopkeepers.

They all know her by name.

And by sight, the one who sparkles (literally).

They know me by name because she has told them all about me.

I am the traveler, the technologist.

To hear her talk I’ve been to every country in the world,

Know “everyone”

And by myself I run all of Microsoft and SharePoint and all things

Women in Technology.

So thus I am stopped by the locals to get a glimpse of “the daughter”

That makes merry all around the world.

It is sweet.

We are in the Palm Springs General Store.

She is taking her time, talking to folks

Doing her thing.

I have now gone through three shops.

We meet in one, where she has decided I need

A new shawl.

And a new top.

And a derby hat.

And we get free bracelets if we go across the street

To the sister store.

She knows all the wheels and deals.

It is a fun day of retail therapy with my Mom.

The thing that I didn’t know

Was that she had spent that extra time in the general store

To pick out the perfect card and book for me

To find later tucked in my bag.

To tell me how much she loves me.

To surprise me after I’ve left them.

I should know by now what she was doing.

She does these things all the time.

Maybe I forget on purpose.

Because I love it.

That’s what Moms are for.

Taking that extra time doing her thing

To remind you that you are loved.

Thank you for giving that little heart below a nudge if you liked this. :)

Written by Head Maven & CEO, Heather Newman, Creative Maven

Once a month we share where to find Heather in the world and the most “maven/expert” opinions on marketing, brand, travel, and culture that we like from the internet. Receive our next issue by signing up here.

#RetailTherapy #Mom #PalmSprings #lovelife #2017 #mavenmoment #inspiration #lovefiercely #selfimprovement #Writing #travelmaven #womenintech #digitalnomad #luckytoworkeverywhere #wanderlustylady #‎entrepreneur‬ #‎business‬owner ‪#‎author‬ ‪#‎speaker‬ #eventproducer ‪#womenintech #womenwhohustle #CreativeMaven10yearsstrong @contentpandahelp @creativemavens #revolutionarylove #lovearmy



Heather Cook

Community builder and marketing maven who wants to #FliptheScript — Posts on motivation, corporate culture, & healthy workplaces.