
5 min readMar 21, 2023

It’s coming.

Sano feels the heat on his lower body more as the priest utters the prayer of intercession. He can embrace the priest’s voice more when he closes his eyes. He can imagine it’s only the two of them, inside the holy chapel of Christ.

Sano’s left alone. All followers have left the chapel minutes ago, since the worship ended. Sano’s left alone.

He can’t get up. His bulge hasn’t calmed down. He can’t get up.

And the worst part is about to come.

He’s texting friends about his situation right now when someone approaches him with careful steps. He immediately hides his phone away when he notices the presence of the priest.

“What are you doing here? All people left already,” asked Heith, the priest.

Sano’s hands try to find his pouch that he had brought with him to place it on top of his bulging zipper. The priest can’t see this.

“Hi, Father, I- I was about to- to order an Uber.” Sano stuttered all the way to the end of the sentence. Inside his head, he thinks that he’s fucked up. No. He knows really well that he’s fucked up.

Heith nods as his response. For a couple of seconds, he just stands there. Sano doesn’t know what expression the other man’s making since he’s looking down. He doesn’t dare to make eye contact with the Father.

The next thing he knows is that Heith decided to take a seat next to him. “Did you enjoy the sermon today, Sano?”

The called one finally snaps his head up when he hears his name. “You know my name, Father?”

The priest lets out a tiny chuckle, “Of course. It’s not a big chapel, and I have a responsibility to know every one of the followers’ names. If they come here often.”

“Where are your two friends? Saint and Javier? You three always come here together,” he continues.

Sano finally shows a relaxed smile after being nervous all the time. “They were working all day yesterday. They wanted to rest, Father.”

Once again, the priest only moves his head up and down as his response, along with a hum. And once again, Sano feels his once calmed down bulge strains again.

“What is wrong, Sano?”

A worried voice that sounds genuine hit his ear, along with a gentle touch that comes in contact with his cloth-covered skin.

It’s burning.

Red tint starts to bloom on Sano’s cheeks. He jerks up on his feet and claims, “I apologize, Father, I think my Uber is here.”

What he never expected to come is the way Heith’s hand moves so quickly to find its place on the back of the chair in front of the seat he’s resting on, blocking Sano’s way out.

“‘But when they deliver you up, take no thought how or what ye shall speak, for it shall be given you in that same hour what ye shall speak’.”

Sano stares at the sitting man in confusion as Heith continues, “seems like it has been delivered to me, and you shan’t worry, O my beloved.”

The man stands up to match his eye level with Sano’s, to gaze deeply into the beautiful brown orbs he owns.

The younger gulps. He backs away every time he feels his breath was taken away by Heith. Until his feet get trapped in the narrow space of the chairs, causing him to lose balance and get seated a second time.

Heith’s hand moves to feel the contrast between his rough and the flawless skin of Sano’s face, down to his exposed neck, along to the shoulder.

“‘How fair and how pleasant art thou, O love, for delights.’”

Sano’s mind is a mess. A fucking mess. The priest’s voice is really low, and really close.

It goes into rampage when the Father slowly closes the distance and sneaks into the arch between his neck and shoulder. He can’t help but to burst dirty moans when Heith sucks little parts of his snow skin.

“Ngh… Father… I- I don’t think- nghh.. we should do this…” uttered Sano with the little conscience he has left in the situation he’s enjoying right now.

His own ragged panting and beating hard filled his eardrums as Heith pulls his lips away from the skin. The priest’s hand moves again to catch a glimpse of Sano’s tiny waist, before it lands on the bulge that’s grew more strained than earlier.

“Do you think I haven’t noticed, Sano? The way your lips won’t stay still when I speak, the way you get restless when we make eye contact, the way your chest moved up and down rapidly when I finished the prayer of intercession. Do you think I haven’t noticed it all, Sano?”

The voice sounds so angelic and deadly at the same time, Sano thinks. It is the voice he wants to hear in the chapel. The voice that would echo in the room throughout the homily. The voice that would hum along to the songs of glory. The voice that would praise the Lord.

But, it is also the voice he wants to hear in bed. The voice that would list all of his wrongdoings. The voice that would tell him he could get a punishment for what he did. The voice that would tell him he’d done a great job receiving the punishment.

“Tell me, what were you thinking, Sano? To make the little guy excited, hm?”

A gentle pressure is enough to make Sano a whimpering mess. His moan echoes through the small chapel, making the holy unholy.

“Father… I don’t want you to be a sinner…” stated the youngun in between his ragged breath.

Heith caresses Sano’s hair that is already wet with cold sweat. “Beautiful soul, we all are sinners, since the day God created man. ‘For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God’.”

“Where did that come from, Father?”

“Romans 3:23.”

With the saying, Sano feels there’s no more lust to hide in front of the priest.

“I’m a sinner to your voice, Father.”

“And I’m a sinner to your beauty, Sano.”

At this point, Sano just lets Heith do what he might do to him.

It’s only the two of them, inside the holy chapel of Christ.


