Why has my website lost traffic?

Heena Dsuza
4 min readSep 25, 2019

If you want to earn more income online, you need not have lost traffic on your website. So what is the cause for your website to lose traffic? It may seem like a time to pull your hair, but some explanations justify that drop in visitor traffic. These are things on which you must make wise and fast decisions since they can have an impact on your traffic level.

In this article, I will provide you with common causes that can influence your loss of traffic on your website and how you can fix it.

You made recent changes to your website design or structure

The most common cause of losing traffic is that your company made changes to your site. This may seem confusing since you would think that changes should increase traffic. After all, you renew your site with the hope that more people will find it.

This does not mean that the changes you made were bad. However, it may mean that you have forgotten to integrate certain aspects when you made those changes.

Traffic lost

Many companies forget to optimize their pages for search engine optimization (SEO) after they update them. If you do a complete web design review, it’s easy to forget that you need to optimize those pages for SEO. Your new design can be excellent and better for your audience, but you need your page to be optimized for SEO to have full effect on your audience.

How to fix it: Optimizing your page for SEO

If you want your website to attract more traffic, you must ensure that your new site is optimized for SEO. This will help you recover that traffic and get more people to interact with your website. These behaviors include keyword integration, link building, page speed optimization, and coding cleanup.

Your page is too slow

This happens quite often after updating your site or creating a new design. When you add new items to your pages, you should make sure they are optimized. If items such as photos, videos and other items with large files are not optimized, they can slow down your page.

Users hate slow loading pages. They don’t want to wait for a page to load for information; they want the information instantly and quickly.

You have links to obsolete or deleted pages

As time passes, you will update your site. You will restructure, redesign and move the pages. While this is a great benefit to your business, it can end up damaging it if you don’t update your pages completely.

What does this mean? When you redo a site, you often change pages. You cannot move through each page of the site, but you can restructure some of the pages and move them to different places on your website.

If you have linked to that page on a different page, the link is broken. You direct users to a page that contains an error, and nothing is displayed. Even if you have the newly updated page, you can still have links to the previous page that you deleted. And any digital marketing services provider can suggest their client the same way that SEO understand the process, for the business goal.

You are not winning Backlinks

The backlinks are a crucial part of SEO. You must get backlinks to improve the ranking of your website and reach more credible potential customers. If you are not currently winning backlinks, it could explain that traffic is not as direct.

These backlinks bring new traffic to your site. They lead potential customers who are interested in your products or services. It is not a one-time and done behavior; you need to constantly win backlinks.

You may have lost traffic if you are not winning backlinks, but your competition is. This means that they will have a higher range than you and will take part of your traffic.

Your website has lost traffic dramatically and has fallen in the ranking

The ranking position of your website has a great impact on the amount of traffic that reaches your site. Therefore, if your website falls in the ranking, you could see a significant drop in traffic. Your competitors may be taking steps to improve your site, which makes them have a higher rank and reduce your list. Positioning is crucial, so even decreasing location can affect the amount of traffic on your site.

Users can change their behavior

Having lost traffic may have reasons that are not strongly under your control. User behavior is one of those things. It is difficult to control how users will behave and how trends will change.

This is something common that happens in retail companies. Traffic is high during the winter holiday season, but if you lost traffic during the summer, don’t worry, it’s normal. There is often an increase and a fall in traffic depending on the time of year.



Heena Dsuza

Hey I’am Heena, Strategy and digital marketing mentor for entrepreneurs. I would love to accompany you to strengthen your digital marketing knowledge.