3 Examples of Social curation method

Heesook Oh
3 min readApr 4, 2017


1. Jellycam

The jelly cam is a video social curation method based on N-screen. As the mobile communication network moved into the LTE era, it became a content that can be shared easily. At this point, the jelly cams can display a significant amount of video content in one place and share all of the video content taken with their camera to the SNS, all at once. In particular, JellyCam’s group service is a feature that allows users to create a single theme, open a group, and set a scope to share images with selected friends. It is seen as a core function of curating content together as a curator for one topic. It is a service launched by Pandora TV which has rich experience on video technology, so users’ reaction and future development direction are expected more.

2. Pinterest

It is one of the best of social curation services, and the most promising ‘pintorrest’ can not be omitted. Pinterest is an image-based curation service that scrolls images on your Pinterest account when you “pin it” your favorite images as you browse the Internet. There is also a sharing function, so you can easily share your friends’ images by re-pinning them. A mosaic UI that effectively displays a large number of images has become like the answer to the social curation service UI.

As a leading service, the pinterest that shows tremendous growth, the side effect appears. It’s a copyright issue, and it’s vulnerable to unscrupulous users sorting and circulating content. If you do a ‘pin-out’, you will not be able to defend against the content proprietor because you are capturing the screen as it is. As a result, Pinterest has been changing the terms and making efforts to protect copyright. Although there are copyright issues, it is expected that the influence of overseas brands will not be negligible because they are showing considerable business factors such as introducing pinterest as a marketing channel and spikes in social marketing lecture contents about pinterest.

3. Fab.com

There is also a social referral service in the form of an expert recommendation. Fab.com is a service that curates according to the recommendation of experts based on the design of the products. Fab.com’s UI is similar to the pinterest, and it is recommended by experts based on the design of the products and is constantly getting content by establishing relationships with fans. Products are also recommended through the faved (favorite) users click on their preferences for products and their purchase history. It also has live feeds to view your friends’ activities, like Facebook, and offers the ability to surf for items recommended by people. It is recommended by experts, and since the commerce function has been integrated from the beginning, it can be seen as a curation-based commerce service.

