Hello! 📢 Are you there?

Hefin Harries
2 min readJul 12, 2023


I’d say the most common word spoken in the English language when using a mobile phone, is the word hello. Or to be more specific, it’s hello, hello, hello!!!! 😡, followed by a few expletives! 🤬

Losing mobile connection during any call can be frustrating, especially when neither of you are walking around or travelling.

It’s understandable if this happens when you’re on the move in the car or train for example, and I know of three spots in my local area, where I forewarn the caller that they’ll get cut off in the next minute, because of a known black spot.

You might find the same happens with your WiFi?

Again, it’s so annoying when you can’t get a decent WiFi connection, and you’re having to work on your laptop or tablet from a specific location.

And having to work for the WiFi instead of the WiFi working for you, isn’t what you had in mind, I’m guessing?!

If your WiFi’s driving you mad, and you’re relying on the WiFi that’s built inside your broadband box only, then you could certainly benefit from having what I’m about to share.

Or maybe, you have individual extenders scattered throughout your property, with each one having its own WiFi network name. And sometimes, this means you’ll have to switch to the nearest WiFi access point when moving to a different spot?

These adapters have their place, especially if you need internet access from an outside building for example, but for indoor use, there’s a far more stable and faster solution available.

The technology’s been around for years, but it’s only in recent years, has it become stable enough, for me to recommend with confidence.

What I’m referring to is a Mesh system. As the name suggests, it allows you to have separate WiFi access points scattered through your property to create one single network.

So if you have poor WiFi connectivity, or separate WiFi networks, and would prefer to have one single WiFi network name, running at peak performance, from all locations, then a Mesh system is the way to go.



Hefin Harries

I love to get my creative juices flowing, by writing stories from my experiences of running a PC & Mac Support business.