Why Universities will disappear in less than 15 years. At least just like we know them

Hegel Eisenhower
3 min readJan 5, 2019


It’s not a secret Internet revolutionized everything, tourism, transportation, communications, health and for sure, education. But, in my opinion, big changes are just coming in the next 10–15 years. Here is the thing, Universities used to be the temple of knowledge because they have a lot of books, they have all the best teachers, credibility and infrastructure to learn, but now all of that we have it in a different and more efficient way, for instance, think about knowledge, all books and all the information we need you already have it in your a computer or better yet, in your pocket using your smartphone. You can learn whatever you want just right now for free using YouTube or paying almost anything using websites like TED.com Udacity, Udemy, Platzi or Coursera.

Think about teachers, there are a lot of web services where you can connect with the best teachers around the world, you can learn from them or even contact them thru Linked-in, Instagram or even email. And the same thing happens with Infrastructure, today if you want a cool place to learn you can get a coffee in Starbucks or if you prefer better human contact, you get a membership in a co-working place just like WeWork.

But, why directors of universities are not doing anything against this dark future? That could be the million dollar question, and I think is because there are different factors. One could be, their jobs right now not depends to do great changes and is better to do anything, is less effort and soon they will get their pension, they don’t want out be out of their comfort zone. On the other hand, I believe they can’t imagine how the future will change their industry, is just what happen to companies like Kodak, Nokia or Polaroid.

I always say better than predict the future is to create it, so for that reason, I’ll bring a view of the future of education I see for the next 10–15 years:

1. Successful Universities will be 100% Online. They will use tools like Virtual Reality and Mixed Reality to engage better with the student in their classes
2. Classes will use video recorded classes from teachers, and students also will have personalized sessions from experts and teachers around the world.
3. Universities will become Co-working places for experimentation and networking for people and companies.

In the near future entrepreneurs will revolutionize university careers just like Steve Jobs did years ago with the music industry, when she changed the way we bought singles instead of buying albums. The students of the future will be able to choose between hundreds subjects to assemble their own career and the certificate will be assigned not by a traditional career but for the hours plus the subjects the student chooses and maybe they will be able to create their career name.

If you are working in a University and you are not doing anything to be ready for the future more than just making MOOC's be aware of the future because maybe you will be the next Kodak in the list.

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Hegel Eisenhower

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