Is a pentagram something evil?

3 min readOct 6, 2021


Everything has 2 or more sides, but first of all a pentagram is a geometrical figure. Another word for the pentagram is the name Pentalpha, because the pentagram is composed of 5 alphas (A). You can find the pentagram under the names Tetragrammaton, Drudenfuß or Pentacle.

Simply put, a pentagram is the figure of a human being, with the topmost spikes symbolizing the spirit, the right spike at the top is assigned to air, the left to water, the bottom right to earth, and the left spike at the bottom to fire, but these are not the only assignments. There are pentagrams where the points are assigned to respective virtues, cardinal points, laws or other elements.

Also in the religious sense the pentagram has a meaning, so for example in the Christian faith, there the 5 points of the pentagram symbolize the 5 wounds of Christ. Numerous building plans for churches all over the world are based on the pattern of the pentagram. It is known as a Masonic symbol and as a witch symbol. It symbolizes the 5 sacred sciences, it is one of the signs of alchemy and faith. In general, the pentagram is considered a banishing sign against evil in the traditional sense and a symbol of protection. In satanic belief, the upside down pentagram is the sign of evil. It symbolizes the rule of the devil in the sense of sweeping the top to the bottom, it symbolizes repentance par excellence.

For many occult, religious and pagan faiths, the symbol of the pentagram is of great importance and each faith has, over time, put a distinctive stamp on the pentagram. The pentagram is very ancient and of Sumerian origin. The first reference to the ideogram of Inanna, also known as the Sumerian goddess Ishtar, goes back to 3000 B.C. Known as the symbol of Venus, the pentagram was also known to the Greek scholar Pythagoras. He knew of it as a symbol of health. But as a mathematician he was more interested in the geometrical aspect of this sign.

It is possible to draw the pentagram on paper in one stroke. In this way, the draftsman returns to the starting point, which is why the pentagram also stands for the cycle of life, for infinity and for the fact that all things on this earth have a relation to each other. You can wear the pentagram as jewelry (talisman, protective amulet or symbol of belonging ec.) in thousands of different versions, no other symbol, besides the heart and the star, inspires artists all over the world like the pentagram. But with it the body cult only begins, because one sees here and there humans, who carry pentagrams as Tattoos on and under the skin, as symbols on the clothes or as head decoration in the form of a jewelry shave. The dark scene also makes use of this sign to make a statement. What then? Is the dark scene good or evil?

Nothing is only black or white, by the way, that is one of the messages of the pentagram. Also in the Gothic, Batcaver and Black Metal scene there are people who believe in the good. But they show by their outfits what they think about the balance in the world, and that is really a sad game at the moment. Pentagrams alone are not evil, but very much what is sometimes behind them.

