The Scarlet C of COVID
My son has COVID. By the time you read this “had” will be more apropos. Not to worry he is physically fine. I am COVID free and my husband tested positive. They are only two of over four million people that have had this. The fascinating thing about COVID is not the physical ramifications but the mental. There is a Scarlet Letter C for COVID. For the first time in my life, I can relate to the character Hester Pryne from The Scarlet Letter. We have not hung a huge scarlet C in front of our house but it feels as if we might have one.
The Love-Hate Relationship with COVID Statistics
Every night for months the evening news covers the daily statistics of COVID. The number infected, tested, active cases, deaths, and the list goes on. These numbers are people. They are not numbers and there is a difference. At this writing, there have been over 140, 000 people in the United States who have died. According to the LA Times, Floridians over 65 are dying every eight minutes, due to this horrific pandemic.