Engage and Change the Game

Heidi Steltzer
2 min readFeb 10, 2017


Commitment to a kinder world

I acknowledge that as the world moves further into the 21st century, many people are left behind and excluded, while others feel apprehensive about a future marked by global warming and rapid social and political changes. We must listen to all perspectives.

Furthermore, events over the past year, most recently in the United States of America, have caused shock waves throughout the world, on issues that touch all of us. These actions are designed to divide us and will harm many people as well as our planet.

As a woman, an environmental scientist, and a Homeward Bound participant, I state my support for the vital role of women, science and leadership in society.

I was taught to be kind and treat others as I would want to be treated. For me, this also extends to other species and the planet.

In December, I completed the first Homeward Bound expedition, a 20-day journey with 76 women in science to Antarctica, designed to equip 1,000 women to lead, influence and contribute to policy and decision-making as it informs the future of our planet within 10 years. We recognize the opportunity that science provides to understand each other and our world, advancing opportunity for all peoples. Science touches all parts of human endeavor and experience — past, present and future.

On the Homeward Bound journey, we stated the need to change the game. We can do this by engaging with others.

In Antarctica, we discussed the hallmarks of great and effective leaders. They are inclusive, collaborative, legacy-minded, and fiscally responsible. I believe that globally our leaders must ask themselves if what they focus on engenders trust and if we are considering the legacy we leave with a common purpose for humanity.

I suggest that these ideals are common sense but not yet common practice. The question then is what can we do now? What will we do now?

I will engage more with individuals, communities, and the world, especially those who see or experience the world differently. I will be inclusive of all, regardless of race, country, gender, sexuality, income, political views, or religion. I will change the game.

Through engaging, we can unite. There is much we share in common in this our diverse and incredible world.

Signed: Heidi Steltzer @heidimountains, USA; Homeward Bound, participant. Co-written with Ann Christianson, Carol Devine, Kerry O’Brien, Shelly Ball and Margaret Barbour. We invite you to join us in this commitment in celebration of International Day of Women and Girls in Science.

Learning through engaged science in a climate change workshop for middle and high school teachers that I co-led.



Heidi Steltzer

Mountain and Arctic expert | Explorer | Science Storyteller on climate and the environment | commit to a world of possibility | @heidimountains