How to Save

Needs vs. Wants

Heidi Swan
2 min readFeb 20, 2018

Welcome to adulthood! You’ve gotta plan for your future now. Whether it be purchasing a new home, a vehicle, or retirement, you must save. It can be really easy to blow your money on things you don’t need.

You may really want that case of beer or that daily coffee… but do you need it? You can live without it.

You may not be as comfortable, but imagine just how awesome it will feel to finally have that car, that house, or a comfortable retirement. Your needs should come first, and then savings.

Once in a while, buy yourself that coffee or case of beer. You deserve a treat, every now and then. I try to stick to one a payday, whereas in the past I’d have a coffee every day. Then I’d have a case of beer or a bottle of booze every few days. Oh and take out… every other day. Not to mention the pack of smokes every day.

I’m not asking you to quit smoking, coffee, or drinking — although these are all a serious waste of resources. I am only asking you to consider whether you actually need it, or if you just really want it. It could help you cut down on the amount you are consuming.

One step at a time. You will attain your savings goals, over time. It will take a lot of persistence, and you’ll probably have to say no to a few things you really want.

It’s not easy, but you’ll definitely thank yourself later. Your future is counting on you!!

Hopefully your savings account grows quite large!

Thanks for reading!

