My Biggest Travel Dream

Daily Blog Number Twenty Two

Heidi Swan
2 min readFeb 15, 2018


I live in Canada, and haven’t seen much of it. I’ve been to BC a few times, mostly to the same area. I lived in Alberta for a few years, Fort McMurray to Edmonton to Calgary. I grew up in Manitoba, and currently live in Saskatchewan. I’ve been as far east as Kenora, Ontario… so there’s still half a country to experience

The thing that I want to do most in the world right now, is to buy an old RV and travel across Canada. I want to visit every province and every territory. I don’t want to have a time limit on it, I just want to go and experience as much as I can.

The things that limit me from being able to leave right now are my cat, money, and my relationship. I’m sure I could bring my cat and he would be fine. I’m sure I could find some way to make money while I travel. I just don’t think my boyfriend would be interested in leaving work to travel across the country.

I don’t have a plan, but it’s been a desire of mine for a very long time. I don’t know if I will ever actually be able to hop in an RV for an undetermined amount of time, with no idea how I’m going to earn money to fund the trip.

I think that it’s probably something that I should wait a bit longer to do, so that I can have a plan, have some money saved up, and have the ability to abort mission should I need to.

Although, if I could leave tomorrow morning… I would!

Thanks for reading!

