Explore the power of a shared morning coffee!

How I managed to make my whole day more productive and enjoyable entirely unconsciously

Heiki Riesenkampf
3 min readMay 31, 2017


There are a lot of articles going along the lines “145 morning habits to become the best yourself”. I am afraid that if someone actually tried to carry out all of those habits, there would not be much left of the day.

I am not a huge fan of morning habits in general. I more like to go with the flow in order to work on exactly what I feel most like doing each morning and it has proven to be quite successful so far.

However, yesterday I came across an interesting chain of events.

I started the day by meeting one of my close friends, who I have a lot of respect for. We chatted. (When you meet someone for coffee before 8 am, you know you are meeting someone who is in it for real!)

Just regular coffee. An hour of intriguing conversation about what each of us has been up to, what have been our recent hereka moments and what plans we have for going forward in the long run. Both storytelling and constructive feedback.

An hour of the best kind on conversation you can possibly wish for.

What happened after we parted?

We both went our ways and carried out our days like normal. Without much analysis, when I got home in the evening I felt like I had had a wonderful day. Really.

And it’s weird since my day consisted of many unpleasant experiences as well. Despite all that I felt really good about the day in the evening.

Come next morning, I open the chat with the same friend and he tells me

“he had an enormously productive and enjoyable day after our conversation”

Well, then it dawned on me. I also had a really wonderful day. This instantly reminded me of the classic saying “You are the average of the five persons closest to you”. It really is that powerful.

Surround yourself with great people and it’s contagious. You also become empowered while also empowering other without even knowing it.

I would not want to call it a hack, but rather a guiding stone. I believe we can improve the quality of our lives dramatically by surrounding ourselves with people who hold us to a higher standard than ourselves.

I call you to try it yourself. Do you know a friend who you really respect, but haven’t talked to for a while. Give him or her a call and schedule a morning coffee before the start of your day and see what kind of effect it has on both of you. You will not only help out yourself, but also your friend!

Not only is it a good tool to enjoy your day more, but also a fun way how to catch up with old friends and share good ideas!

Let me know what happened. Always in for a good story!



Heiki Riesenkampf

Engineer by training, founder by profession. Reimagining how remote teams collaborate without constant video calls.