HydroCoin — the next best ICO in 2018

Heiko Schumann
1 min readJul 5, 2018


Car-manufactorers like Mercedes, Toyota, Hyundai, Volkswagen are promoting FCEV as the coming next generation electic vehicles. FCEV are almost the same in fueling-time and range, like current combustion cars. Gas-stations can be converted to offer hydrogen for a much cheaper price, than building up an infrastructure for BEV, that need 30+ minutes for one fueling. This means a huge investment into charging-stations. BEV are also a lot heavier than FCEV. So they should be designed to serve the short-range traffic in cities. But for long-range, for trucks and trains, also ships and vessels, hydrogen will be the fuel of the future. Now it is the time to make it true zero. that is why HydroCoin is the next best ICO in 2018. HydroCoin promotes true zero, where clean car technology meets clean renewable fuels.


