Healthy Food vs. Junk Food Diet

Heiley Durst
2 min readJul 2, 2021


Healthy Food vs. Junk Food Diet

The issue of differences between the healthy food and junk food diets causes numerous debates, discussions, and ideas as there is no single opinion about the roles and effects of either of those nutrition plans on the human health. Nevertheless, by comparing the benefits and structures of the healthy and junk food diets, it is possible to state that healthy meals present more positive impacts on the individuals’ health than junk food does.

To start with, both healthy and junk food diets provide the human body with the essential nutrients, chemicals, minerals, and vitamins responsible for the renovation of the energy supply. Similarly, both types of diets can provide equal amounts of calories, the surplus of which may lead to the problem of excess weight and other health-related issues. In addition, the healthy and junk food diets may cause addiction as well as consist of the same ingredients and components. All these characteristics prove the relatively similar effects of the healthy and junk food diets and explain their roles in the human ration.

At the same time, it is possible to define certain notable differences between the healthy and junk food diets. First, healthy food is rich in fiber, minerals, and vitamins, which are easy for the body to digest and transform into energy. Analogically, the healthy food diet is comprised mainly of proteins, which promote the growth of muscles, maintenance of body weight, and replenishment of energy. The healthy food diet is also believed to reduce the risks of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and other health-related problems. Therefore, the healthy food diet is a good option for the daily ration.

On the contrary, junk food consists of fats and trans fats, which may be accumulated in the body and lead to problems with weight. Moreover, in opposition to healthy food, junk food supplies the body with temporary energy, which quickly expires and requires new portions of products. The other peculiar difference between the healthy and junk food diets is that the latter is rich in sugars, which cause many health problems and increase the incidence of various diseases. Thus, the composition of the junk food diet provides few benefits for the human organism.

Overall, the comparison of the healthy and junk food diets depicts numerous similarities between these two types of regimes. However, there are also many significant differences, which show that the healthy food diet is more beneficial, useful, and helpful for the organism in comparison with junk food.

This junk food and obesity essay was conducted by professional writer Heiley Durst, a specialist at preparation papers on health, sport, and other similar issues, in order to see more visit her page — bestwritingservice.



Heiley Durst

I am Heiley Durst and I am a qualified writer from writing agency.