Is God Really Better Than (fill in the blank)?

Andrew Adams
3 min readJul 8, 2016
Blog Post | It's easy to become distracted, losing sight of and trust in God and His goodness. But we can refocus with this simple question.

What’s Your Vice?

What’s that one thing that you struggle with to give up to God? For me it’s games, whether it’s card/board games or video games. I love the concept of collecting and making progress and gaming displays these qualities in very visible ways. So, if I’m not careful, I find myself desiring to play a game or spend money on a new game more than I desire to spend time with God.

I have to ask myself: is this game really better than God?

If we honestly think about it, what could possibly be better than God? The problem is that we don’t truly stop and think about this. Instead, we go with the shifting desires of our fleshly past.

The Shifting Desires of Your Heart

Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. — Psalm 37:4

But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. — Matthew 6:33

The problem isn’t that God isn’t good. The problem isn’t that God doesn’t provide.

The problem is that the desires of our heart are usually rooted in our flesh.

Whether it’s sex, greed, money, power, or many other sinful desires, the real reason we choose these over God is that we don’t truly believe or act like God is better than our fleshly lusts. Instead of living with the focus of seeking God first and letting Him shape our desires, we can often find ourselves compromising fulfill our own desires.

The Solution

While it may sound simple, the solution is anything but simple. The enticing things of this world easily creep in, seducing us away from God.

The solution, however, is to spend time with God.

To give you a very practical example, I started playing a game on my phone recently and soon became engrossed in it. I began spending far too much time playing in battles against other players to try and improve my team. It soon creeped into my thoughts and down time. I began to notice this subtle shift in my desires.

And then I had to ask myself: is this game really better than spending time with God?

Of course not! But, without that focus, I had allowed it to become an unbalanced desire.

So, with the focus that God truly is better than some game, I had to set some boundaries to keep myself from drifting from God.

Ask Yourself the Question

Do you find yourself desiring something more than God? Maybe your wondering: is God really better than (fill in the blank)?

Take heart, we’ve all been there! But don’t stay there. Force yourself to focus on the problem by asking yourself: is (fill in the blank) really better than God?

Once you realize the truth, be ruthless in setting up boundaries to keep God first.

Enjoy the Results

Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. — Psalm 37:4

But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. — Matthew 6:33

When we keep God first, trusting that He truly has better for us than we could try to give ourselves, He promises to fulfill the true, godly desires of our hearts!

What Are Your Thoughts?

This post may be a bit short, but I believe the truth in it is powerful.

I would love to hear/read your thoughts. Use the comment section below to share your view. And, if you enjoyed this post, be sure to use the sharing buttons to send it to your friends.

Originally published at



Andrew Adams

I am a Christian author, blogger, and designer. It’s my joy and passion to help people discover the beauty of a life lived with God through writing.