Understanding the Recent Israel-Gaza Conflict Through a Biblical Lens

Andrew Adams
6 min readOct 7, 2023

The recent clashes between Israel and Gaza represent the most severe escalation since the 11-day war in 2021, carrying dangerous implications for regional stability. As Christians seeking biblical wisdom, we must look beyond the geopolitical fray and lament the deeper spiritual realities fueling this tragic unrest.

Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad Offensive

On October 5th, tensions boiled over as Palestinian militant groups Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) launched a massive rocket assault on Israel. Over several days, over 2,200 rockets were fired from Gaza toward southern Israeli cities, many intercepted by Israel’s Iron Dome. However, the sheer intensity overwhelmed air defenses, enabling numerous rockets to slip through and kill 12 Israelis so far.

For Israelis living near Gaza, the relentless bombardment compelled thousands to evacuate their homes and seek shelter. As air raid sirens blared day and night, fear and panic spread through frontline communities, paralyzing daily life.

This onslaught echoes the Psalmist’s lament: “They surround me with words of hatred, and attack me without cause.” (Psalm 109:3). It also reflects the tragic legacy of Arab hostility toward Israel rooted in a longstanding…



Andrew Adams

I am a Christian author, blogger, and designer. It’s my joy and passion to help people discover the beauty of a life lived with God through writing.