Results from Heir’s Recent Network Performance Test & Next Steps

3 min readMar 27, 2018


On Sunday, March 25th the team at Heir commenced with the first planned phase of large-scale blockchain stress/performance testing on the Stellar network. This multi-part venture was undertaken with a critical goal in mind: Ensure that the blockchain platform selected for Heir will work in harmony with our solution, and allow for our upcoming flagship product to thrive. Here is what the team at Heir has planned, our current results, and details regarding what’s coming next:

1. Ensure Stellar provides the exact building blocks necessary for Heir’s product offering — PASS

Over the past few months, our architects have been diligently prototyping to ensure that Stellar provides the necessary functionality required for Heir’s upcoming product. We have validated with great success, that when combined and used in a novel way, the advanced operations provided by Stellar delivers the exact building blocks necessary for Heir’s solution. Furthermore, the negligible costs associated with submitting multi-operation transactions to the Stellar network, eliminates any worry and concern regarding unnecessary transaction cost overhead. In summary, Stellar has proven to be an ideal fit from a functionality standpoint.

2. Ensure Stellar will function under anticipated peak user/transaction load — PASS

The large-scale stress test launched on Sunday, March 25th was designed to mimic Heir’s future anticipated peak load, and to confirm that Stellar will function as expected under such conditions. The test culminated in triggering exactly 11,743 transactions (slightly shy of our 12.5K goal) at the exact same instance within Stellar’s testnet, and observing the network’s behavior and end-results. Here is what we observed:

  • Each of the 11,743 transactions, which consisted of manage offer operations (trades), was successfully processed by the network.
  • Each of the 11,743 transactions involved completing a trade consisting of varying amounts of Heir’s testnet asset (HEIR), from a single distribution account to 11,743 separate testnet user accounts. Each testnet account received the exact amount of expected HEIR asset, while the distribution account received the expected amount of XLM in return.
  • The amount of time which elapsed from the moment we triggered our test, to the moment all accounts received their funds: ~9 seconds.

The results denoted above far exceeded Heir’s expectations and has solidified that Stellar is a platform ready for large scale usage. Furthermore, given that the test was successfully performed on Stellar’s testnet consisting of a limited number of nodes, Heir is beyond confident that Stellar’s public network will perform exceptionally.

Result from the load test performed by Heir — 11,743 transactions triggered simultaneously. Chart source:

3. Ensure Stellar functions under a constant load of high-volume transactions — Begins week of 3/26

Slated to begin this week, Heir intends to conduct additional Stellar network performance tests via a constant load of high-volume transactions ranging anywhere from 100 tps — 1,000 tps. Transactions will consist of varying operations including manage offers, payments, path payments, change trusts, and others in alignment with Heir’s solution. Heir’s goal is to confirm that Stellar will function flawlessly when exposed to the anticipated high-influx of future-users, along with their respective regular activity within the Heir ecosystem.

4. Ensure Stellar will serve the needs of a global user base — Begins week of 4/2

Given that Heir’s product is being developed for the global audience, Heir’s final phase of testing involves mimicking future user behavior from a global standpoint. By leveraging Amazon Web Services’ global infrastructure, Heir intends to perform similar tests denoted above but triggered from various alternate regions, including: North America, South America, EMEA, and Asia Pacific. Our goal is to ensure that Stellar will be the perfect fit for Heir, and more importantly, Heir’s future users’ needs regardless of their location/geography.

Additional details will be provided in advance of our upcoming network tests, and results will be published post-test execution. We are confident that Stellar will continue to yield positive results and are excited for what’s to come.

For additional updates regarding our test venture, upcoming flagship product details and more, sign-up for our newsletter at For the absolute latest information, follow us on twitter @heir_io.




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