Hawk Network’s Token Economy

Hawk Network
2 min readSep 30, 2019


Hawk Network’s Token Economy Model

Hawk Token Cirulation Model Design

As the official digital currency of Hawk Network, HAWK is of great market potential, which can be quantified. As mentioned earlier, by 2020, the market volume of global shared travel will reach 520 billion US dollars. Within it, a centralized platform as a medium can make about 30% of the profits.

As business grows, more applications can be implemented and more data can be collected. Credit assessment and technical services will become more valuable in the market. HAWK is not only the digital currency, but also the basic passport of the whole distributed Internet of Things ecosystem of Hawk Network.

• Value in exchange HAWK circulates in all DAPPs above Hawk Network as the general equivalent of various transactions.

• Purchase of Internet of Things Equipment: HAWK can be used as a certificate to purchase assets from suppliers (electric scooters, smart devices, etc.).

• Data Contribution Award: If users decide to contribute their data to ecosystem development, they will be rewarded by

• Value added service: HAWK can be used to pay for services such as API/SDK provided by Hawk Network.

• Community award: HAWK will be awarded to community contributors, such as third-party developers, community operators and community promoters.

Website: hawk.cool

Twitter: Twitter.com/hawk_HKC

