Louis Liu One of the Judges Of “Klaytn Horizon”

Hawk Network
2 min readSep 18, 2019


Louis Liu our Chief Strategy Officer was recently invited to be one of the judges of the Klaytn Horizon BApp Competition.

The competition started at the 2nd week of May and we decided to call it "Klaytn Horizon" to imply that is our first large scale attempt to make ourselves known and further expand the Klaytn ecosystem. Here is a detailed description regarding the event, directly excerpted from the Klaytn Horizon website we are currently preparing:

“Klaytn Horizon invites developers from all around the world to build various BApps on Klaytn in a combined effort to bring blockchain mass adoption to fruition. Feel free to build a BApp to serve an industry of your choice, ranging from contents to entertainment, healthcare, finance, commerce, payment, lifestyle, and technology, etc. There is no limit to what you can build, there is no limit to what you can innovate!”

As one of the valued early contributors to building Klaytn’s ecosystem, Louis Liu was invited as a judge to explore, identify, and assess various BApp services built on top of Klaytn. We not only believe that this can be a good opportunity to position the Hawk Ecosystem company as a closely aligned strategic partner of Klaytn, but also a chance to discover good teams who may be able to collaborate with Hawk.

“The task requirement as a judge would be to review and nominate candidate BApp projects that can provide significant add-on value for Klaytn’s ecosystem development. Because the event will be fully online, we do not expect much burden on time nor logistics from your end to fulfill your role. The review period for the submitted BApp projects will be for the whole month of July, 2019. Further guidelines will be provided as we move forward, but we are expecting that most of the review would be going through a few BApp mock-ups and providing your valuable opinion on who should be the prize winners --- no big pressure! We would deeply appreciate it if you can support us by partaking this event as a judge yourself or delegating the position to a senior tech, product management, or business personnel on your team.
we requested will be exposed on our official Klaytn Horizon website. We would really love to see development communities following your projects to truly join us together by partaking in our small yet ambitious steps to drive blockchain mass adoption and real life use cases.”

Hawk Website: hawk.cool

Twitter: Twitter.com/Hawk_HKC

Klaytn website: Klaytn.com

Klaytn Horizon website: Klaytnhorizon.com

