At What Cost? Trans Healthcare, Manipulated Data, and Self-Appointed Saviors

7 min readAug 5, 2020

Nearly every time I speak with someone unfamiliar with the true nature of the underground madhouse that is trans healthcare, I am asked some iteration of the same question:

“Just to be clear, you still support the rights for actual trans people to get health care, right?”

Though well intended, questions like these are a redundancy that obfuscate the glaring need for a public conversation on the sorts of “healthcare” currently being offered to individuals who identify as transgender. Those who are more familiar with trans healthcare may assert that the problem with trans healthcare is simply an overabundance of leniency (not enough “gatekeeping.”) Such people may also point to the prevalence of self-diagnosis as a method for determining which individuals have gender dysphoria and should have access to hormone replacement therapy and surgeries. Though these points are well taken, they fail to contain or address the broader and systemic ideological corruption pervasive in the transgender healthcare industry. A corruption which has already begun to produce the early stages of a catastrophic outcome for the many vulnerable patients subjected to its methods.

Unfortunately for those who identify as transgender, the language of “rights” has been perverted from one that…




Detransitioned and politically homeless — the perfect storm.