An Invitation….

Excerpt from The Introduction of The Magical Unfolding

Helen Grace MacGregor


I shared this when I crowdfunded my book The Magical Unfolding with Publishizer, which you can see here.

The book helps you to shift your life away from hustle and busyness, towards a life lived on your terms. You can also see an excerpt from Ch.2 here.

“I have always been delighted at the prospect of a new day, a fresh try, one more start, with perhaps a bit of magic waiting somewhere behind the morning.”
~ J.B. Priestley

An Invitation…

Would you like the energy to do the things that bring you joy and to end each day with a smile on your face, no matter what the day sends your way?

Life can be turbulent, demanding, unpredictable and overwhelming. It can feel like a whirlwind as you’re constantly bombarded by the needs of others, distractions, noise and the never-ending onslaught of information. It’s like spinning on a hamster wheel without a stop button, having no sense of control or power over the outcome.

It’s stressful, it clouds your sense of direction, and it means you go to bed with little idea about how you actually spent your day. It makes you question what life is all about, how it got to feel this way and whether it’s possible to change things. When life looks like this, the concept of peace and fulfilment seem as utterly ridiculous as that proverbial ‘chocolate fireguard’ does.

Given that you only have this one precious life, and that you are a unique, once in a lifetime soul, wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could find solid ground again, so that you can establish some new foundations for your life and start consciously creating your days?

What If?

What if the reason you’re here is completely different from the one you think? If everything you’ve been told about how to make decisions and choices is wrong and it’s much simpler to find your purpose than you’ve believed?

What if your purpose is not about achievement; becoming something or discovering anything — rather it is about fully, unapologetically embodying yourself? You as you already are — but with the magical addition of a different life-lens that shows you another way to be.

Does this awaken a sense of excitement, fear, dread or disbelief? Or does it merely confirm a suspicion you’ve had inside for a while — one that you’ve been longing to hear someone else express?

Consider this…

It is entirely possible to transform and transcend the daily grind, to know what to do each day, feel motivated, inspired, energised, free, happy, courageous and strong. You can access this — it’s not for the chosen few. You are human — you have experienced all these qualities at times and you contain endless seeds of possibility within you that you can choose to grow.

Once you journey back home to your core and find your own truth and your own answers, you will begin to slowly unfold your life to a more expansive one. It’s not only an incredible journey, but a way of living and being that feeds your soul and nourishes your heart.

It grants you freedom from the desire to please, to say yes to everything, to be all things to all people, to bend over backwards for everyone but yourself, and to burn out because you want to heal the world.

This world needs more peaceful warriors, people who have become who they came here to be. People who are awake, aware and present. People who know who they are, what they’re here for, what they believe in and who do what honours them, whilst also honouring others.

These are the new lighthouse keepers of the world — helping guide the next generation to become stronger and live with more peace, presence and purpose so that the world thrives and the universe survives.

Why you?

Some people would immediately write this book off, because they feel they’re already heading where they want to go or think they understand how their world fits together to make the jigsaw of their lives and they have no desire to change anything.

But you are not some people. You’re not even most people. You’re one of those rare breed of people who admits that they have not figured it all out, who is astute enough to consider whether there is another way, has been brave enough to search for answers and was open and curious enough to pick up this book.

How do I know that? Well, I’m making an assumption here and to reassure you that I am not a Jedi mind master, I’m making it based upon years of 1:1 sessions with wonderful women who have sensed they have more potential within them than they’re currently showing the world.

Women who care deeply about others aren’t usually sure if it’s ok to want more for themselves. Women who are good at putting their needs last are not always comfortable with asking for support; but thankfully something within them reaches out anyway. Even though they feel scared and unsure, they take the first step, because they’ve heard an inner call that cannot be silenced and that moves them forwards through the fear of failure.

You are probably one of those women too. You’re one of those beautiful people who doesn’t realise how beautiful they are. Beautiful in the sense that you are life-curious, open to discovery, prepared to do some digging, make some changes and figure life out.

Beautiful enough to recognize that maybe, there is a whole world of untapped possibility you haven’t found yet. Beautiful enough not to settle for a life of ‘less than’.

You have a vision for your future — it’s lurking quietly and you can’t fully see it — but nevertheless you know it’s there waiting for you. You might not know how it feels, what it looks like and who you will be when you’ve uncovered it, but you’re prepared to consider that it could turn into reality.

That’s where I come in; it’s why I wrote this book, and why it’s called The Magical Unfolding.

The Precipice of Possibility…

I know you want answers, but I also know you’re best uncovering them yourself… because whilst I might be able to make some fairly good assumptions about you based on my lifetime of working with others like you, only you truly know your own answers…

What I can do is show you the pathway and guide you along it until you uncover your own juicy knowledge nuggets. In doing so, you’ll dive ever deeper until you uncover the magic that lies within your heart and soul, waiting ready to unfold for you. The things you discover to be true for yourself are the things that will take up permanent residence in your heart. Those are the things that will help you to change your world to one you love living in — from the inside out.

If these words resonate with you, you’ll be delighted to know that you are standing on the most delicious precipice you’ll ever reach — the precipice of possibility. There is a part of you that will resist the truth of this… but I know that there is also a part that recognises pure truth when you see it and that’s the part I’m talking to right now.

The path to you living a more aligned life lies in a combination of factors — requiring daily practice, habitualised routines, and the mastering of your mindset; knowing how to stay in flow, discovering your inner purpose and staying focused on your core desires. It’s ebb and flow — a daily dance — one that ultimately results in a more peacefully present, purposeful life.

I know that sounds scary — so I’ve distilled the essence of this approach to life into simple, achievable steps and I’m sharing them because I believe that if we can all learn to live our lives from a more grounded, calm, mindful place, together we will create a better world.

The Magical Unfolding offers an invitation from my heart to yours, to gift yourself time to explore possibility. It gives you the power to put the bounce back in your step and the joy back in your heart… in small, manageable steps, and relatively little time.

All you need is the willingness to accept that something within you is calling for change. Add to this a pinch of patience, trust and an open mind, and you’re already halfway there. This process has helped numerous people around the world — it’s the one I unravelled for myself and I am living proof that it’s effective.

This book provides you with a clear starting point — a place to begin making small changes — because once you’ve woken up to the fact that something needs to change, there’s no going back…only a slow, steady journey onwards.

A journey that leads you along the magical path of self-discovery, to help you unveil a life of clarity and calm that you love inhabiting.

Continue reading…

Thanks to you, The Magical Unfolding is now published and in homes worldwide. I am so grateful I got to honour my dream to write and publish it, so that what I share can help you honour your dreams too.

Ready to unfold your magic so that you can live on your terms?

I’ve created a starting point for you to press pause and take the pledge to shift onto a more aligned path starting now.

If you take this first step, your life will change more quickly than you know…

Get your Magical Life Manifesto here!



Helen Grace MacGregor

Wordsmith | Author | Facilitator | Podcaster Gently encouraging & empowering soulful women to see their innate magic 🙌🏻