Huanzhu Landlord _ Desert Hero

6 min readAug 25, 2022


When Wan Fangxiong heard this, he was surprised and ashamed. First, he was afraid of a big strain and did not exert all his strength. Just as he was waiting to pull again with all his strength, he heard a loud shout behind him: “Brother Six, stop.” Looking back, it was Li Qi who came with Wang Fan and Zhang Wan. As soon as he let go, the boy smiled at the dwarf and said, “They treat us like flowers. I don’t want to bother him any more. Let’s go.” “You little rascal,” said the dwarf with a smile, “it’s you at any rate. “What are you pretending to be when you are greedy and have customers every day?” Before he had finished speaking, Wang Fan stepped forward first and said with a smile, “It’s a snowy and cold day, and a good guest has come. The foolish brother didn’t know it before.”. Wan Liudi drank a few more cups. He must have spoken so recklessly that he wanted to come. It was embarrassing for the host and polite for the distinguished guest. If you don’t mind the thin wine and coarse food, please come immediately. You should serve the wine, salute slightly, and apologize for my brother Wanliu. The dwarf laughed. “I heard someone say that Xiaomeng in the east of Xiachuan had a taste of Wang Fan’s literary grace and elegance. He was the best at words. When I saw him today, he was really not bad.”. If I don’t disturb you with a meal of lamb wine, won’t I say my brother is stingy? Wan Fangxiong still refused to accept it, because Li Qi took advantage of the time when the two sides were talking and pouted his mouth. Then he remembered: “It’s snowing heavily outside. At the beginning,Thyroid Powder Factory, the pine is floating. The desert is thousands of miles away. There are no people around. How could these two people suddenly come?”? He had changed into a heavy fur coat and still felt extremely cold, while the other side was wearing so thin that there was no chill, and his face was so smooth. He was born with great strength and practiced good martial arts, but the young boy could not pull him to move. He was undoubtedly a strange man. He immediately turned his anger into joy and took a step forward. “I’m ignorant after drinking,” he said with a smile. “I hope you’ll forgive me.” The dwarf and the child laughed in unison: “Brother Wan is so forthright.”. The two of us were ordered by our teacher to come here to lead the righteous men out of danger. How about talking about it with the Treasure Account? Wang Fan has always been careful and alert. He first listened to someone talking outside. Although he didn’t pay attention to it, he saw Wan Fangxiong leave his seat in a hurry. He looked out and saw two outsiders. He remembered that the snow was deep outside. How did these two people come? He hurriedly pulled Zhang and Li Erxia from the next seat and drove them out together. As soon as he got out of the tent, he saw Wan Fangxiong pulling the child still. It was known that he was a strange man. Hurry to catch up with,Kava Root Extract, called a talk, the dwarf actually know the origin of his name, the more surprised. First also do not know the intention of good and evil, the heart is calculating, smell words are all overjoyed. The six guests and hosts went to the tent together, and then they began to talk separately. Only then did I know that it was the dwarf Geng He who played the flute last night. The boy’s name was Zhong Ling. They were the disciples of the old man in snow clothes who lived in seclusion on the top of the Eagle’s Nest in Tianshan Mountain. Because the old man moved to the Tianshan Mountains from the Southern Song Dynasty, he adopted a fairy bird, which is the top specialty of the Tianshan Mountains, named Wupeng. Sex is the most fierce, and very tall, although not like the clouds hanging down from the sky, often shaking thousands of miles, flying up, Sex Enhancement Powder ,Heme Iron Polypeptide, but also three or four Zhangs in size. The wind of the two wings was originally extremely strong, but with the help of the old man’s training, the trees that were almost eaten by it were pulled up immediately. The claws and beaks are sharp, and the cracked stones are like powder. Even the fierce serpents and beasts cannot withstand a blow from it. Zhong Ling was also an orphan of a martyr in the former Dynasty. He was rescued by the old man from the suckling baby. He developed an amazing skill from an early age. Geng He is the younger brother of the old man. He has already practiced swordsmanship and flight is extinct. When Zhong Ling has nothing to do, he likes to ride a ROC or chase wild beasts to the northern Tianshan Mountains. On his way home the day before yesterday, he saw a large group of camels and horses in the distance. They didn’t look like an ordinary business camel team. They rushed to the future and wanted to wait for someone to inquire. Unexpectedly, the wind and sand were getting stronger and stronger, and he could not bear to stop for a long time. Knowing that people would be in danger, he hurried back to ask the old man to rescue him. It happened that the old man went out, and even Geng He was not at home. The old man also left instructions that he could not go out again after returning. The wind and sand are stronger, and the empty generation is anxious. On the night of the second day, when the wind was blowing and the snow was falling, Geng He suddenly went back to the mountain and met an old man on the way. He told the people that they were trapped and ordered them to go back to the mountain as soon as possible. He took Wu Peng with him to help, crossed the snow desert, and led him to an iron fortress seven hundred miles away from the snow. He also said that Li Qi’s good friend Zhu Wu and his wife were also friends with the director of the castle. The Iron Fort is located in the deep valley of the North Tianshan Mountains, with thousands of feet of cliffs and snow peaks circling outside. The entrance is a dark and dangerous gorge crevice, with a snake path and sheep intestines, a line in the middle, and a detour of more than 30 miles before entering the right path. Taniguchi is a dangerous cliff confrontation, empty people cloud, the road is more steep, really have a man, ten thousand people do not enter the potential. Then into more than ten miles, the road turns back, suddenly willows and flowers, beautiful mountains and rivers, began to reach the territory. The local area is a large basin plateau in the mid-mountain depression, surrounded by mountains, like a castle, and the wind, sand and cold waves from outside are all blocked by mountains and forests. The land is vast, the water resources are abundant, the exotic flowers and plants are everywhere, the Jiamu forest, the climate is warm, and the four seasons are spring. The master was a general under Yue Fei, a famous general of the Song Dynasty. After crossing the south from the Song Dynasty, Zhongwu died and was killed by a treacherous court official. In a moment of anger, he fought alone and fled to the territory of Daming Dao. Because he was in danger, he lived in seclusion under the guidance of a strange man. After many years of living together, we have opened up such a paradise, a paradise on earth. It is called the Iron Castle, which is no different from a peaceful and loyal,S Adenosyl Methionine, honest and benevolent, just and brave, and extremely rich small Taoyuan. I don’t know how many good stories have been told since its inception. The master always regarded himself as a solitary minister of the Song Dynasty and did not claim the throne.

