The Story of the Flying Fox

6 min readAug 25, 2022


Seeing that the situation was not right, Hu Fei jumped to the side of yuan Xing and whispered, “Go quickly!”! You can’t get away if you’re late. Round nodded, two people walked to the side of Cheng Lingsu. Round suddenly stretched out a finger, under the threat of Cai, and then connected two fingers on his shoulder and the heavy point of his vest. Cai Weideng fell down. Ji Xiaofeng was stunned and said, “You..” “Brother Hu,” said yuan Xing, “it was this man who leaked the secret and secretly sent Fu Kangan’s two sons back.” Hu Fei “Ah” “This man is so hateful,” he said angrily. Stretched his foot on Cai Wei’s vest and kicked him heavily. Although this kick did not take his life, Cai Wei’s tendons and veins were greatly damaged since then, and he was no different from a useless person. In the chaos, the two of them dealt with Cai Wei, and no one else was aware of it. Hu Fei said to Ji Xiaofeng, “Brother Ji, go quickly.”. Thank you for everything. I’ll see you later. When Ji Xiaofeng saw that the situation was not right, he arched his hand and rushed out. “Return to your seats, all of you,” cried Antiochus, “and do not quarrel.” Cheng Lingsu filled a tube of smoke, blew a few mouthfuls, and then went to the left and right of the hall, while blowing smoke, while lifting his feet in the crowd to watch the excitement. Suddenly somebody cries: “Oh, abdomen is very painful!” As soon as he stopped crying, people all around shouted, “Oh, oh!”! Tummy pain, tummy pain. Cheng Lingsu returned to Hu Fei and yuan Xing, winked, hugged his stomach and cried, “Oh, it hurts,Fungal Chitosan Manufacturer, it hurts! It’s poisoned!” Shi Wanchen, who claimed to be the “King of Poisonous Hand Medicine,” also had a severe pain in his stomach. He hurriedly took out a bunch of herbs and ignited them. He lit the herbs with the intention of detoxifying them, but Cheng Lingsu had expected this. Hiding in the crowd, he shouted, “Poisoned by the Poisonous Hand Medicine King, Poisoned by the Poisonous Hand Medicine King!” Hu Fei then shouted, “Hurry up and stop him. The Poisonous Medicine King is going to poison Fu Dashuai.” In the midst of the chaos, people were still able to tell where the poison came from. They were shocked by the prestige of the “Poisonous Hand Medicine King” and believed that he was poisoning as soon as he made a move. Besides, he was in great pain in his stomach. Seeing that the herbs in his hands had been ignited and burned out white smoke, they expected that the smoke was naturally extremely poisonous. The victim was killed immediately, and no one dared to stop it. There was a constant whizzing sound, and all the hidden weapons in all directions shot at Shi Wanchen. Shi Wanchen’s martial arts were really good. Although he became the target of public criticism in an instant, he was calm in the face of danger. With a short body, he overturned a square table and came across to block it in front of him, only to hear a crackle, as if a thick layer of hail had fallen, Quillaja Saponin ,Quercetin Dihydrate Manufacturer, and dozens of hidden weapons hit the table. “What does it have to do with me that someone has poisoned the tea and wine?” He shouted. Among the Jianghu high-rollers who came to the meeting this time, many of them wanted to gather the leaders of the world in Fukangan. They were afraid that they would secretly arrange a plot to catch all the good players in the martial arts world. It should be noted that “Confucianism confuses the law with literature, and chivalry violates the ban with martial arts.” People have always been in charge of ministers, and if they cannot recruit talented civil and military scholars to use them, they want to add axes and tomahawks to destroy them, so as not to harm the people and incite the world. At this time, I heard Shi Wanchen shouting: “Someone put poison in the tea and wine.” Everyone was frightened. As for Fu Kangan himself and the guards, they were also suffering from pain in their stomachs. Naturally, others did not know. At that moment, the hall became even more chaotic, and many people greeted each other in a low voice: “Go, go, Fu Dashuai is going to poison us.” “Run for your life!” “Go back to your apartment and take the antidote.” Cheng Lingsu filled the pipe with medicine and emitted poisonous smoke, which was inhaled by everyone in the hall, and no one was spared. This poisonous smoke is not a deadly thing, but those who inhale it will have a headache and abdominal pain, and the pain will last for more than half an hour. This move was so powerful that it not only made the guards suspect that Shi Wan had poisoned them, but also made Qunhao think that Fu Kangan intended to assassinate them. In the chaos, she and Hu Fei and yuan Xing could seize the opportunity to get away. See Qunhao rushed to the door, but the round is very fierce with Tang Pei. It turned out that Tang Pei took advantage of the confusion, knocked down the guard who held him, and wanted to escape, but was intercepted by the round snatch. Although Tang Pei is evil, his martial arts are extremely high. He is angry and resentful of the conspiracy to frame her. A green steel sword moves fiercely, and the sword pierces her vital point. Round left hand holding cloud broom, right hand waving soft whip, is also intended to kill the mother’s revenge under the whip. When it comes to martial arts, the roundness is better than the subtlety of the whip, but Tang Pei’s internal force is much stronger. It’s too close to call within one or two hundred strokes. After a long fight, Tang Pei will gain the upper hand, but he smoked poisonous smoke and had a sharp pain in his stomach. He was also hit by a powerful poison. He was afraid that once he used his strength, the poison would break out faster. In addition, all the guards looked at him. If it weren’t for the pain in his stomach. He saw that the round whip was so exquisite that he couldn’t kill her for a moment. He was so flustered that he was eager to get away. But how is the roundness willing to let him escape? She had taken the antidote given by Cheng Lingsu in advance, and was not afraid of poisonous smoke, but she was quite afraid of the shadowless silver needle on the soles of Tang Pei’s feet. Although she had come prepared, she installed a large magnet in the cloud broom to break the silver-plated iron needle, but the silver needle was too thin, and there was no trace when it was released, and there was no sign at all, so she did not dare to approach too close, but just waved the soft whip to attack far away. At this time, Wang Jianying and Zhou Tie had already protected Fu Kangan and retreated into the rear hall. Fu Kangan gave the order to close the door of the mansion, and no one was allowed to go out. On the one hand, he urgently summoned the imperial physician to take antidotes. When Qunhao saw that the guards in the mansion wanted to close the door of the mansion, he was even more convinced that Fukangan intended to do harm. At this time, facing the critical moment of life and death, he did not care to bear the charge of “committing insurrection” and immediately swarmed out. The guards raised their arms to stop them, and Qunhao rushed back to the door. From the hall to the door of the mansion, there were three doors, and by each door there was a fierce ping-pong fight. The meeting gathered the masters of all schools in Wulin. Although the truly first-class noble people did not go to the meeting, those who came were also unusual. All of them rushed out with one heart. How could the guards stop them? Antiochus pressed his stomach and said to Zen Master Dazhi, Wu Qingzi, Tian Guinong and other masters,Fungal Chitosan Manufacturer, “The treacherous people are making trouble in the meeting hall. Please sit down and don’t move.”. Fu Dashuai loves talents and is thirsty for talents. He is very respectful to all of you. You must not be suspicious. “This Tang is the culprit,” said Hai Lanbi. “Take him down first.” With a clanging sound, he shook out the black dragon’s double staff from his side and went to the heart of the hall to attack Tang Pei.

