About a special person on a special day

Although we direct our attention and commitment to numerous aspects of the world, only a select few leave an indelible mark on our minds as truly special. This is where the significance of the term “special” lies — it represents those enduring impressions that serve as lifelong motivation for us to evolve as genuine human beings.

5 min readSep 5, 2023

One such special occasion is Teachers’ Day, and I have chosen this remarkable day to pay tribute to an extraordinary individual who can be described as a mentor, teacher, unpaid therapist, and much more. This is dedicated to that exceptional person.

Before I reveal his name, let me recount the incidents that elevated him to a special status in my life. Throughout our life journey, we encounter numerous personalities, ranging from our parents, primary school teachers (the unsung heroes who guide us into the world of learning), friends, lecturers, professors, colleagues, and so on. However, when you’re in the teaching profession, being inspired by others who are engaged in similar work takes on a unique form of motivation.

This brings me to my guide. Filled with thousands of doubts and narrow-minded thoughts, I approached him. He welcomed me with inspiring words and a warm smile. Our collaboration began with a multitude of question marks in my mind. When I presented my proposal, although it wasn’t in its “dream high” form, he appreciated it and offered his feedback. The final result involved an approximately 80% overhaul of the proposal. What struck me about his wisdom was that I didn’t even realize I had made so many changes. He guided me in a professional manner, enhancing the proposal’s potential. In just five minutes, he inspired me to rewrite it in an elevated manner without causing any offense (a skill I still need to learn).

Allow me to share an incident that transformed my straight lips into a parabolic curve. After working on the proposal, I printed the final version and submitted it to him, but I forgot to include his salutation as “Dr.” He went through the entire proposal, took his black pen, and wrote “Dr.” in front of his name, almost mirroring the printed letters. He told me to proceed with the submission. Stunned by his action, I was left speechless. I finally mustered the courage to ask, “Sir, why didn’t you scold me for that mistake? If I were in your position and my B.tech students did the same, I would have asked for a report revision.” He replied, “There are various ways to handle situations.” With more question marks in my brain and a puzzled expression on my face, I left his office with a profound understanding of how to deal with different circumstances. Later, he explained that he didn’t scold me because it was a minor mistake, and because he values nature (to save paper), he dealt with it this way. In essence, he handles things differently. That incident helped me to thoroughly recheck things every time before submitting.

Now, a sudden memory surfaces: when I received my first review from an international journal, my world crumbled. Reading it with tears and a heavy sense of disgrace and depression, I turned to him for guidance. With a gentle yet firm tone, he said, “Take it as words, not as emotions. Rewrite it according to the suggested changes or defend it if necessary. Focus on your next paper. We don’t have time to dwell on the past, the ‘whys,’ and the emotional aspects. Keep moving forward and focus on your dream of a new state.” That half-minute conversation made me stand tall and walk with confidence. Despite encountering harsh reviews of my publications and numerous rejections, they never triggered my tears.

There are many more incidents to share, but it would require a book to do so. Another noteworthy aspect is that he never displayed his busy schedule to me. During our discussions, I never heard exhaustion in his voice or statements like “I worked the whole day” or “I did all of this, etc.” from him. He refrained from using negative words. In fact, it led me to believe that he had an abundance of free time at work, but in reality, it was his intelligence that made him adept at putting his students at ease while working. Speaking of his work, he leads a department that is undeniably busy. All of these actions illustrate how we should be as teachers. He values our input but guides us in the right direction, which is, after all, the essence of being a teacher.

The point I want to emphasize is that a single word or a gesture of respect can uplift those who need your assistance. This is the hallmark of a wise teacher. He constantly reminds us that it’s time to change our perspective on teaching, moving away from a hierarchical approach. Teachers should not only impart knowledge but also serve as true humans who inspire and guide their students, forming a mentor-mentee relationship in their teaching. This is where we should stand.

“Be an inspiring teacher.”

Once, a friend asked me why teaching is considered noble. I felt sorry for the people who made her ask that question. Let no other student have to ask that question. When you impart the right knowledge that defines what a real teacher is and why teaching is noble, we, as teachers, are the ones responsible for providing the answer. Keep progressing toward that answer.

Happy Teachers’ Day.

By the way, I haven’t revealed my guide’s name yet. The inspiring guide in my life is Dr. Manjunath R. Kounte.There is much more to say about him, but I simply wanted to express my heartfelt gratitude on this special day. And heartfelt thanks to all the teachers who have never made me question the nobility of teaching.




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