AI techniques

2 min readJul 31, 2023


AI technique is a method that exploits knowledge.

AI techniques cover a broad spectrum of problem-solving approaches aimed at mimicking or replicating human intelligence.

Intelligence, in the context of AI, heavily relies on knowledge. However, knowledge possesses certain less desirable properties that can make it challenging to handle effectively.

  1. Voluminous: Knowledge can be extensive and voluminous, especially when dealing with complex problem domains. Representing and managing vast amounts of knowledge can be computationally expensive and require significant memory resources.
  2. Hard to Characterize Accurately: Knowledge is often nuanced and context-dependent, making it difficult to precisely characterize in a formal, logical manner. Representing such intricate knowledge in a way that AI systems can process and reason with effectively can be a complex task.
  3. Constantly Changing: Knowledge is dynamic and constantly evolving. In many real-world scenarios, new information emerges or existing knowledge becomes outdated, necessitating frequent updates and adjustments to AI systems.
  4. Different from Usable Data: Knowledge is distinct from raw data. While data can be directly used by algorithms, knowledge often requires processing, abstraction, and organization to make it useful for AI techniques.

To effectively use knowledge in AI, it needs to be represented in a way that addresses these challenges:

  1. Capturing Generalization: A good knowledge representation should allow the AI system to generalize patterns and rules from the available data. It should not merely memorize specific instances but should be able to apply learned knowledge to new, unseen situations.
  2. Understandable by People: Representations of knowledge should be human-readable and interpretable. This transparency ensures that domain experts, who often provide the knowledge, can verify its correctness and relevance.
  3. Easily Modifiable: Knowledge representations should be flexible and easily modifiable, allowing experts to update or correct information as needed. This adaptability ensures that AI systems can stay up-to-date with the latest knowledge.
  4. Applicability to Various Situations: The knowledge representation should be versatile and applicable to a wide range of problem scenarios. It should not be excessively tailored to a specific context, enabling its reuse in different domains.

AI techniques aim to leverage knowledge effectively by developing suitable representations that fulfill these criteria. By doing so, AI systems can harness the power of knowledge to make informed decisions, solve complex problems, and exhibit intelligent behavior across various applications and domains.




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