Boolean operators in Python Let's BOO the Boolean operations !!!

3 min readJun 4, 2023


Boolean operators, such as “and,” “or,” and “not,” are utilized to compare Boolean values. These operators assess expressions and yield a Boolean value. Now, let’s delve into the specifics of these operators, beginning with the “and” operator.

In Python, there are three primary Boolean operators: “and,” “or,” and “not.” These operators are used to manipulate Boolean values and expressions. Here’s a brief overview of each operator:

“and” Operator: The “and” operator returns True if both operands (Boolean values or expressions) are True. Otherwise, it returns False. It can be represented using the keyword “and.”


x = True

y = False

result = x and y

Output: False

“or” Operator: The “or” operator returns True if at least one of the operands is True. If both operands are False, it returns False. It can be represented using the keyword “or.”

x = True

y = False

result = x or y

Output: True

“not” Operator: The “not” operator is a unary operator that negates the value of a Boolean expression. If the expression is True, “not” returns False, and vice versa. It can be represented using the keyword “not.”

x = True

result = not x

Output: False

These Boolean operators are commonly used in conditional statements, logical expressions, and other programming constructs to control the flow of execution based on Boolean conditions.

Binary Boolean Operators details :

The “and” and “or” operators invariably require two Boolean values or expressions, making them binary operators. The “and” operator produces a True result only when both Boolean values are True; otherwise, it yields False. To observe this operator in action, enter some expressions involving “and” into Google colab.

On the contrary, the “or” operator assesses an expression as True if at least one of the two Boolean values is True. However, if both values are False, it yields False as the result.

The not Operator

In contrast to “and” and “or,” the “not” operator functions on a single Boolean value or expression, making it a unary operator. Its purpose is to invert or negate the Boolean value, yielding the opposite result.

Mixing Boolean and Comparison Operators

As the comparison operators yield Boolean values, they can be combined with the Boolean operators in expressions. It’s worth noting that the Boolean operators, namely “and,” “or,” and “not,” specifically operate on the Boolean values True and False. Although expressions like “4 < 5” are not Boolean values themselves, they are expressions that ultimately evaluate to Boolean values.

The computer follows a specific evaluation process when dealing with Boolean expressions. It starts by evaluating the left expression and then moves on to the right expression. Once it determines the Boolean values for each expression, it combines them to obtain a single Boolean value for the entire expression.

In terms of the order of operations, the Boolean operators have a specific sequence, similar to math operators. After evaluating any mathematical and comparison operators, Python proceeds to evaluate the “not” operators first, followed by the “and” operators, and finally the “or” operators.




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