Errors are ok ,lets clearify and go ahead

2 min readMay 20, 2023


Programs will crash if they contain code that the machine does not understand, resulting in an error message from Python. However, an error message will not harm your machine, so don’t be scared to make mistakes. A crash simply implies that the program unexpectedly ceased running.

To understand the error message, add values to your brain . The errors we clarify or come across refine our brain and are stored in muscle memory, which reduces the time it takes to solve similar errors next time .Facing and error in program console was a nightmare initially, until my brain learned to understand that it was something that I could solve. Practice, hold in the code ,familiarization with the coding environment helps to reduce that.

Here are some habits you can follow.

  1. Read the reason for error, understand the reason, and try to solve it if its a typo or syntactical error. The functional error can be initially solved with the help of others too.
  2. Observe and understand each error you are solving. Train your brain to understand the pattern of error. This helps in identifying and solving issues quickly.
  3. Don't get a dip by the error message; ,just try solving it. Appreciate and go ahead.
its ok to have errors, lets solve!

With this note, will continue learning . Lets learn with errors, oh! sorry by solving errors.




Research aspirant in deep learning based video compression