5 min readJul 27, 2023


Production systems are a procedural approach to describing and executing a search process.

They consist of four fundamental components:

Rules: These rules are represented in the form Ci → Ai, where Ci is the condition part, and Ai is the action part. The condition determines when a specific rule is applicable, and the action defines the actions to be taken when the rule is applied. Essentially, it is a collection of rules, each comprising a pattern (left side) that determines the applicability of the rule and an operation (right side) to be executed when the rule is applied.

Knowledge Databases: Production systems require one or more knowledge databases that hold relevant information for the given problem. These databases may contain permanent information as well as temporary data that exists only during the solution of the current problem. The data within these databases can be structured in any appropriate manner.

Control Strategy: The control strategy is responsible for determining the order in which the rules are applied to the knowledge database. It also provides a method to resolve conflicts that may arise when multiple rules match simultaneously.

Rule Applier: The rule applier is the computational system that implements the control strategy and applies the rules to the knowledge database.

To solve a problem using a production system:

  1. The problem must first be translated into a precise statement by defining the problem’s state space, including start and goal states, along with a set of operators for navigating that space.
  2. The problem can then be tackled by searching for a path through the state space from the initial state to the goal state.
  3. The entire process of problem-solving can be effectively modeled as a production system.

Control Strategies:

When considering control strategies, the goal is to determine the next rule to apply during the search for a solution. Good control strategies have two key requirements:

  1. They should lead to progress: A control strategy that causes motion towards a solution is desirable. For example, choosing rules at random from the applicable ones might lead to progress, but it is not a systematic approach and may result in an inefficient search.

2. They should be systematic: A systematic control strategy ensures that all possible rules are considered without redundancy, leading to the eventual discovery of a solution. Randomly choosing among applicable rules might not be systematic, but other strategies can be designed to be more methodical.

Heuristic Search:

Heuristics are criteria or techniques used to select the most promising alternatives to achieve a specific goal. They aim to improve the efficiency of the search process, even if they sacrifice the guarantee of finding the optimal solution. Heuristics are useful for solving hard problems, such as the traveling salesman problem, in less than exponential time.

There are two types of heuristics:

  1. General-purpose heuristics: These heuristics are broadly applicable across various problem domains.
  2. Special-purpose heuristics: These heuristics are designed for specific domains and may be more tailored to the problem at hand

Key features of heuristic search:

Heuristics: A heuristic function evaluates each state during the search and provides an estimate of its desirability with respect to the goal. The heuristic guides the search algorithm to prioritize states that appear more promising based on the heuristic score.

Evaluation Function: Heuristic search algorithms often employ an evaluation function that combines the heuristic value with the cost of reaching a particular state from the initial state. This function determines the priority of states in the search queue.

Best-First Search: Many heuristic search algorithms follow the best-first search strategy. In this approach, the most promising states, as determined by the heuristic function, are expanded first, leading to a more focused exploration of the search space.

Informed Search: Heuristic search is often referred to as informed search because it uses domain-specific knowledge (the heuristic) to guide the search process, making informed decisions about which paths to explore.

Completeness and Optimality: Unlike exhaustive search methods, heuristic search does not guarantee completeness (finding a solution if one exists) or optimality (finding the best solution). However, it is often effective in finding good solutions quickly.

Production system characteristics:

Production systems play a crucial role in constructing intelligent machines capable of solving problems efficiently. There are four distinct types of production system characteristics:

  1. Monotonic Production System (MPS): In a Monotonic production system (MPS), the application of a rule does not hinder the subsequent application of another rule that could have been applied when the first rule was selected. In other words, the execution of a rule does not preclude the possibility of applying other rules later on.
  2. Non-monotonic Production System (NMPS): Conversely, a Non-monotonic production system (NMPS) is a system in which the application of a rule restricts the later application of another rule that could have been applied had the first rule not been executed. In this system, the idea of monotonically applying rules does not hold true.
  3. Commutative Production System (CPS): The Commutative law-based production system (CPS) is a system that satisfies both the properties of a monotonic production system and a partially commutative production system. It allows rules to be applied in a way that does not hinder subsequent rule application, and it also exhibits partial commutativity.
  4. Partially Commutative Production System (PCPS): A Partially Commutative Production System (PCPS) has the characteristic that the application of allowable rules can transform a state from ‘x’ to ‘y’. It exhibits partial commutativity in the application of rules.

These characteristics can help us understand the nature of different production systems and their implications on problem-solving. Now, the question arises whether production systems can be described based on these characteristics and if there exists a relationship between problem types and the types of production systems that are best suited to solve those problems. The answer is affirmative, and by utilizing the above rules, we can draw connections between the characteristics of production systems and the types of problems they are well-suited to tackle.




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