The Impact of AI and Autonomous Systems in Warfare-a case study

3 min readOct 12, 2023



The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and autonomous systems into warfare has the potential to revolutionize military technology. With AI’s advanced capabilities, militaries worldwide are exploring various applications, including autonomous weapons, drones, robotic assassination, and mobile-robotic improvised explosive devices. The introduction of these technologies raises significant ethical and legal concerns, challenging international humanitarian law and principles of human dignity.

A handout photo from 2015 shows US Marines using a dog-like prototype robot in a clearing operation

AI in Warfare: Shaping the Future of Military Technology: AI technology is poised to reshape the future of warfare in unprecedented ways. As AI continues to evolve, its applications in the military sector extend beyond conventional uses such as satellite imagery analysis and cyber defense. The implications of AI in warfare are profound and can be compared in scope to historical game-changers like nuclear weapons, aircraft, computers, and biotechnology.

Key Developments in AI Warfare Applications: Lethal Autonomous Weapons: As AI systems become more capable, there’s a growing trend in delegating authority to these systems. An AI-inspired arms race has emerged, exemplified by Russia’s plan to introduce remote-controlled and autonomous robotic platforms. The United States has enacted restrictions on autonomous systems wielding lethal force, but not all countries and non-state actors exercise such self-restraint.

Drone Technologies: Traditional military aircraft come with substantial costs, but high-quality quadcopter unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) offer a cost-effective alternative. The affordability and potential for long-range drones challenge existing military platforms.

Robotic Assassination: The proliferation of low-cost, highly-capable autonomous robots presents the possibility of widespread, covert, and difficult-to-attribute targeted assassinations. Autonomous sniping robots could eliminate targets from a distance.

Mobile-Robotic Improvised Explosive Devices: The availability of commercial robotic and autonomous vehicle technologies may enable the creation of more sophisticated improvised explosive devices. Long-distance package delivery through drones and self-driving cars could make these devices more accessible and lethal.

Ethical and Legal Concerns

The use of AI in warfare gives rise to a range of ethical and legal questions, including:

Compliance with International Humanitarian Law (IHL): Autonomous weapon systems must adhere to IHL principles, distinguishing between combatants and non-combatants, proportionality, and avoiding unnecessary suffering. Concerns arise when AI cannot exercise human judgment and fails to meet these standards.

Human Dignity and Morality: Delegating the decision to take human life to machines can infringe upon human dignity. The inability of machines to comprehend the gravity of such decisions raises ethical concerns regarding the delegation of lethal force.

Accountability: Determining responsibility for actions taken by autonomous systems remains challenging. Should commanders, programmers, or operators be held accountable for potential war crimes committed by these systems?


AI and autonomous systems are ushering in a new era of warfare. The rapid advancements and proliferation of these technologies raise pressing ethical and legal concerns. Ensuring compliance with international humanitarian law, addressing issues of human dignity and accountability, and mitigating potential global instability are paramount as AI becomes increasingly integrated into the modern battlefield.




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